looking for something?

Sunday, December 31, 2017

Happy New Year!

I hope you have a wonderful New Year's Eve {full of good Champagne or apple cider}. 
Party hard and get ready for the best year ever - xoxo darling, Hayden.

Friday, December 29, 2017

Resolutions in Review

Every year I make resolutions and it is that time of the year to review how I did on them. I did a 1/2 year update in the summer but now we shall see what the second half of the year brought.

1. Organize - I would say I got a 70% on this goal. I did switch to GMail, and it has been a godsend but I didn't do exactly what I wanted with it. I am currently in the place of deleting tons of emails so I can start the new year with an {almost} empty inbox & trash can. I did use my Lilly planner a lot this fall semester and it will come in handy in the spring. I recently organized my iPhoto, something that hadn't been done since 2014 {!} and I feel so much better about that. My desktop was a disaster in the fall but it has since been cleaned. Also, this semester I will be doing a mass cleaning of my laptop's hard drive because I will no longer need a ton of the files that exist. My apartment is hit or miss but I did do some heavy organizing of part of it so I'm fairly proud.

2. Activity - I think this actually went really well. As I said when I made my resolutions I would only be with my best friend when she went to UT but since she graduated I have become closer with some of my now best friends and I have made new friends in some of my classes. It has been so nice getting to know people who were only acquaintances last year. I also stepped up in the Texas Exes Student Ambassador program and have been able to meet a ton of new people through that {they're all amazing}. I'm looking forward to this goal continuing in 2018 as I am no longer president of Texas Ladybirds so I can focus on some of my, previously, lesser organizations.

3. Effort - Oh this was a definite accomplishment...but also I now have issues with this goal...so there is that. On the first part, studying/spending more time studying I DID! Spring 2017 and Fall 2017 were some of my hardest semesters of college {hi finance, stats, economics} and I buckled down. It felt really rewarding to put in those hours and truly study. But gosh am I glad that's over. A secondary part was to put on an actual outfit every day and I did this in the spring. But then my dad raised a very good point to my attention - when am I ever going to be able to wear leggings and giant t-shirts again to my "job?" And he was so right. So in the fall I sometimes wore a "real" outfit when I felt like it and the others I luxuriated in the fact that I am a college student and I can wear whatever I want to class. The third part was keeping all of my things separate and I definitely did a better job of this than I had in the past but I still let stuff effect me that shouldn't have. I do think I have learned a lot about myself since January 2017 and I am happy with that. In 2018 I look forward to working on this even more.

4. Motto - "If not now, when" is still a very prevalent theme in my life. And I think I went out there and did a lot of the stuff I wanted to accomplish in 2017. I'm really proud of traveling alone, working harder on myself, trying new Austin restaurants and fostering new relationships with people.

2017 was a good year, not the greatest ever, but definitely up there. I am proud of how I did on each of my goals and y'all will have to check back on January 1st to see what my new resolutions will be! To be perfectly honest, I have high expectations of 2018 {graduation, a new job, maybe a new city, and plenty of traveling} so I expect to surpass everything I did in 2017 {in a good way} - xoxo darling, Hayden.

{1: Momofuku Cake // 2: 21st Birthday // 3: UT Ring Week // 4: Sun Harvest // 5: St. Patrick's Day // 6: UT Ring //
 7: Texas Monthly Internship // 8: Mother's Day // 9: Sprinkle's in Hyde Park

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Year in Review // 2017

We celebrated three years of Texas Ladybirds & gave up the presidency.
We finished our junior year of college at UT with a cocktail. 
We launched the Fort Myers, Sanibel, etc. travel guide.
We ate fried Texas sheet cake, and it was amazing.
We ended our 101 in 1001 and started a new one.
We started our first day of senior year of college.
We talked about sorority rush very openly.
We launched Haute Table's Travel Week.
We celebrated five years of Haute Table. 
We had the best friend visit Fort Myers.
We were featured on Target's website.
We created a colorful photo wall. 
We marched for women's rights
We interned at Texas Monthly.
We won an award for a photo.
We baked a Momofuku cake. 
We got our class ring.
We interned at Miles.
We visited Houston.
We turned 21.

It has been such an amazing year in my life - filled with ups and downs. I would like to thank each and every one of you for being there with me on this crazy journey. 2017 was filled with fun things {as seen in highlights above}. I am so proud of how the year went and I am so looking forward to 2018. I hope you continue this life trip with me next year. Haute Table {I hope} will continue to grow with more Week Re-Caps, outfits and travels; now with more vlogs thrown in. I hope your year was even more wonderful - xoxo darling, Hayden. 

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Week Re-Cap

It has been such a wonderful week with my family. We celebrated Christmas in the normal chill way that we do and currently I am in Houston for the Texas Bowl {HOOK 'EM}. I hope to have a vlog up soon of the 24 hours I am in H-Town (a kind of day in my life style vlog). In other news, we visited the Florida Southern College campus to see Frank Lloyd Wright architecture and decorated some gingerbread cookies. Get ready for my year in review post tomorrow - xoxo darling, Hayden.

Florida Southern College's campus.

A peppermint cone from Sun Harvest Citrus. 

The Luminaries in my neighborhood on Christmas Eve. 

Gingerbread cookies...creatively decorated. 

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

How I'm Getting Ready for 2018

2018 is going to be a year of changes for me. I will finish up my last semester of college and graduate, I will {fingers crossed} get an amazing job, move to a new city and start a new chapter of my life. While all of this is cliche, it is true and so I am trying to get ready for the onslaught that will be 2018. Below are a few things I'm trying to get done by 11:59 on Dec. 31st; we'll see if I get them accomplished. Let me know what you're doing to get your mind/body/whatever ready for the exciting 2018 year - xoxo darling, Hayden.

#1: Go through all old photos & delete - I am a photo hoarder. Like it is a problem. And my computer has been telling me that my disk is full so in an effort to fix the problem I am currently going through iPhoto and doing mass deletes. There have been thousands of photos/videos to go through and I'm still not done. But they needed to go, half were screen shots, others were video clips I no longer need & then there are just a ton of duplicates. 

#2: Deleting E-Mail - This was one of my resolutions {check back soon for that update} and I wasn't too good at it. But now that we are here I plan to go through my Gmail and mass delete so that I can start 2018 off on the right foot...before it gets out of hand again when I get back to Austin. 

#3: Deleting old files - Now that we are coming to a close of college I finally feel ready to part with some of my old Word, Excel and Powerpoint docs. I have had the same Macbook since freshman year of college and so many unnecessary documents are on the drive. It's time to say Adios to that biology project I did freshman year, don't you think?

#4: New Backgrounds - Typically around this time of year I change my phone lock screen, phone background and laptop background screens to new themes. It seems like the easiest, best way to have a fresh start. I'll be looking at Evelyn Henson, Lilly, Packed Party and a few others to see what I want to have for the start of 2018. 

#5: Resolutions - I am still working on exactly what I want my resolutions to be. I usually keep them fairly open ended so that I can do a lot of different things with them. But we shall see, right now they are basically to live every moment to its fullest because everything is going to change so soon. But those will post on the first of January-ish so check back soon! 

Monday, December 25, 2017

Happy Holidays

Happy Holidays from my family to yours. I hope you enjoy this time with your family and our holiday card this year...I thought I was real funny - xoxo darling, Hayden.

Friday, December 22, 2017

My Favorites - Elle of Miss Blonde Ambition

A while back I started something called "My Favorites" based on a questionnaire filled out by one of my favorite writers. I then introduced the best friend via that. Now I have decided to open up that questionnaire to other bloggers. Our first guest is Elle of Miss Blonde Ambition. She is a wellness blogger living in Boston who shares her personal stories involving chronic illness. I hope you enjoy and look forward to more bloggers - xoxo darling, Hayden. 

My Favorites

I Don't Care What They Say: 

  • I Love the Smell of Books 
  • I think that Animals are Better than People, more Specifically Dogs 
  • Waffles Should be a Main Food Group 
  • I Secretly Wish I could Trade Places with Hilary Duff and Sarah Jessica Parker for a Day {or a Month} 
  • I Truly Believe I was Marie Antoinette in my Past Life 
  • I Always Stand up for What I believe in or What I am Most Passionate About

My Drinks:

  • Dare I say...water 
  • Homemade Southern Sweet Tea {I'm a Southern Girl} 
  • Horchata

My Shoes:

  • A Really Good Pair of Red Heels Should be a Staple in Every Woman's Closet 
  • My Steve Madden Booties 
  • The Manolo Blahnik Shoes Carrie Wore to her Wedding

My Foods:

  • Homemade Veggie Pizza with butternut Squash instead of Red Sauce 
  • Pasta, Anything with Pasta 
  • Gluten-Free Fried Seafood Platter at Legal Seafood 
  • Not Your Average Joe's GF Rolls 
  • My Dad's Chicken Noodle Soup 
  • My Grandfather's Italian Meatballs 
  • Dino Nuggets and Curly Fries 
  • Chocolate

My Remedies:

  • Watching the Little Mermaid 
  • Emergen-C 
  • Soft Blankets, Fluffy Pupplies and Plush Pillows 
  • My Stuffed Bear Robin 
  • Cuddling 
  • Chocolate

I Love{d} Reading:

  • Daring Greatly by Brene Brown 
  • Paris My Sweet by Amy Thomas 
  • Grace Not Perfection by Emily Ley 
  • The Year I Turned 16 
  • 50 Shades of Grey 
  • The Tall Book of Make Believe 
  • At Home with Madame Chic: Becoming a Connoisseur of Daily Life

    I Love{D} Watching: 

    • Wicked on Broadway 
    • The 10th Kingdom 
    • Younger 
    • Marie Antoinette with Kirsten Dunst 
    • Butter 
    • The Price Winner of Defiance Ohio 
    • Mansfield Park 
    • You're Not You 
    • By the Light of the Silvery Moon, on Moonlight Bay 
    • The Devil Wears Prada 
    • The Boy in the Striped Pajamas 
    • The Holiday 
    • Julie and Julia {Julia Child is my distant cousin} 
    • Mona Lisa Smile 
    • Eat, Pray, Love

    I Wish I Lived In:

    • An Apartment in Paris 
    • The Cottage from The Holiday 
    • A Villa in Italy 
    • A Hut in Bali 
    • A Castle in Europe 
    • My Dream House with my Family and a Puppy

    I Hoard:

    • Books 
    • Clothes, Discount Shopping is my Weakness 
    • Cute Stationary from the Dollar Section of Target

    Things I Want To Own:

    • A House 
    • A Puppy 
    • An Unlimited Amount of Flights so I can Travel the World

    I Am Addicted To: 

    • Being Around Animals and Petting Puppies 
    • Family Time 
    • Going to the Beach 
    • Being Fancy

    The First Thing I Do in the Morning Is:

    • Make My Bed 
    • Pray 
    • Workout 
    • Read 
    • Plan My Day

    I Use:

    • The No-Poo Method 
    • The Word "no" Almost as Much as the Word "yes" 
    • My Voice to Empower Myself and to Empower Others 
    • My Strength to Carry Me Through the Day 
    • Many DIY Allergen Friendly and Natural Cleaning Products 
    • A NuMe Curling Wand 
    • Book Sleeves as Bookmarks 
    • Vaseline as Lip Balm

    I Miss: 

    • My Brother, he passed away 12.25.2016 
    • Being Naive 
    • Having my Family Together 
    • Feeling Careless

    I Admire: 

    • My Family for their Strength 
    • Caleb because he is one of the Kindest, Sweetest and Strongest People I have ever Met 
    • Strong Women Everywhere who Fight for Their Freedom 
    • Miley Cyrus for Owning Who She is and Accepting the Stages of Her Life, also for her Amazing Foundation Happy Hippie.

    I Respect:

    • Human Beings Who Stand Their Ground Even if it Means Losing Their Life 
    • Women Who Dress Modestly and are Still Able to Make a Huge Impact 
    • Honesty, Commitment, and Compassion

    What Wows Me:

    • Human Compassion 
    • God's Way of Shaping our Lives 
    • Nature

    Thursday, December 21, 2017

    REVIEW: Grizzelda's, Austin

    Walking into Grizzelda’s feels like walking into an oasis amongst the quickly changing east Austin landscape. Palm fronds dot the walls as a green bar lights up the restaurant providing a pop of color reminiscent of an island resort’s pool bar. Wicker basket lights hang from the ceiling and mismatched tables feel like you’re in someone’s chicly designed home not one of Austin’s hottest restaurants.

    Near other popular spots like Jacoby’s and Pitchfork Pretty, Grizzelda’s is nestled near a small strip center. It’s neon sign beckoning millennials.

    It’s Taco Tuesday but the restaurant isn’t overly crowded. You can actually hear the person across the high top table speaking – something rare in Austin’s burgeoning restaurant scene.

    Our server greets us by asking if we would like a drink, my companion asks which he would prefer: the Grizz Mizz (signature house rocks margarita) or the Fro-mo (house frozen margarita). Instead of telling us his preference he tells us about the secret menu where you can get a half and half featuring both of their star margs. We both are intrigued so we order.

    While waiting on our drinks the chips and salsa show at the table. Biting into the thick chip provides a crunch that only the freshest of chips can give. A light dusting of coarse salt provides nice flavoring without being overpowering. The maroon-colored salsa is thick and inviting. When the salsa hits your tongue it provides instant heat but is followed with a more mellowed smokey hint. The flavor left in your mouth makes you reach for more.

    Our server chats to us about the Taco Tuesday special, $5 for one taco or $12 for three tacos, which features a pork cheek Carnitas taco with red chile salsa, onions, cilantro and a soft corn tortilla.

    After ordering some house queso we drink our margaritas, taking in the strength of the tequila and the different textures mixed together. While the frozen margarita half is incredibly strong, the on the rocks version at the bottom has a smoothness to it.

    The queso arrives as we order our tacos as well as a sweet potato dish. Grizzelda’s queso reminds me of some of the first queso I ever tried in Texas. Not a lot of heat but it warms your insides like the hearty-goodness it is. The dip passes the drip test (no evident spots on the table or our clothes) but it could have a bit more flavor; in order to add a little heat we combined the salsa and queso in one bowl.

    Our tacos arrived shortly after along with the aforementioned sweet potato dish - camote rositizado – with its slices of sweet potato, Mexican brown sugar, and diced pecans. We both immediately dug into this dish because our server promised us it tasted like Thanksgiving.

    And boy did it. The sprinkle of sugar provided a nice addition to the sweet potatoes but there was a hint from serrano peppers that made the aftertaste spicy. The potatoes were cooked extremely well, firm on the outside soft on the inside.

    The tacos are served on one of those hipster, stainless steel taco holders that remind me of the Whataburger logo stretched out. They were small but mighty as they packed a spice punch. The meat was tender and both my companion and I liked the traditional onion and cilantro toppings. The only critique from both of us was our wish for the tortillas to have been fresher.

    The restroom featured beveled subway tile and a wallpaper ceiling that looks like the “Modern Mexico” exhibit posters at the Harry Ransom Center. A light fixture above the sink looks like gnarled tree branches with exposed pink light bulbs. It is clean but a little bit of a downgrade in design from the incredibly chic décor that lives outside the restroom’s walls.

    Dessert came in the form of a Mexican Chocolate Popsicle from Odd Pop. When the Popsicle hit my taste buds I instantly tasted the cinnamon but it was followed by immense happiness over the creaminess of the ice pop. It was basically an ice cream bar (think Dove or Häagen Daz) without the melting.

    Grizzelda’s food is simple and good, their wait-staff are wonderful and you get to enjoy it all in a restaurant that looks like it was created by a set designer of a film set in Cuba during the 1920s.

    Wednesday, December 20, 2017

    Week Re-Cap

    The new Ladybirds president and I had dinner at The Original Hoffbrau Steakhouse.  

    Alyssa and I had been wanting to go to Midnight Cowboy 
    all semester & we finally got a reservation. 
    They just re-did their menu and it is beautiful. 

    Yes...I went to Miracle again...I couldn't help it. 
    This time I had the egg nog drink & look! It was green.

    Studying at the new Austin Central Library, it is so beautiful.

    Drinks + Fries with Sophie at Le Politque. 

    Tuesday, December 19, 2017


    Last week my spirit group held our formal and I just loved the photos too much not to share. Be aware: it is a photo overload. My dress is from Altar'd State they don't have it in the maroon anymore and it is not on the amazing sale I got it for but it is super flattering. So if you see it go on sale anytime soon, snatch it up - xoxo darling, Hayden. 

    My wonderful date, Jimmy.

    Monday, December 18, 2017

    Finals Day

    I have two finals today so normal posting will resume tomorrow - xoxo darling, Hayden.

    Saturday, December 16, 2017

    New Videos Page!

    Hey darlings! 
    So I realize this isn't Articles I'm Reading...wow...but that will be back next week! For now I thought I would share that I have created a new page at the top of this page {oooo, ahhh} that has every video I have ever made as part of HT on it. Now you can watch them back to back to back to back without ever having to leave the site. I will try to keep it updated but you can always head to my YouTube channel for the latest. 
    In case you didn't know, I am trying to make more and more video content for y'all as a way to get better at editing/perfect my skills. They aren't the highest of quality vlogs nor is the content the greatest on the Internet. I am no David Dobrik but I will try to make them interesting. I do a lot of travel vlogs so if you are curious about a certain place, check and see if I have made one about it! 
    I'm also trying to do more content about college/what UT is like so if you are interested in that stuff let me know. For now I know I will be making a vlog about a weekend in Asheville, NC and maybe a Day in My Life about our bowl game...but I'll keep you appraised of the situation. 
    That's all for now darlings, enjoy - xoxo darling, Hayden.

    Friday, December 15, 2017

    Winter in Texas

    Thursday, December 14, 2017

    Gifts Under $100

    Sweater // Necklace // Mixer // Lilly Dress // Glitter Sneakers //Coasters // Bag // Skirt // Sign // La Mer // Sneakers // Clutch // Booties
    Sweater - I am loving this sweater, it would be perfect for a cold UT game...not that we get to many of those. Also, the sleeves are the perfect amount of over the top without being too over the top. 
    Necklace - I love KJP and this simple pearl necklace would be such a sweet gift for a friend, daughter or sister. I love the anchor clasp, it really finishes the look. 
    Mixer - I feel like this is such a practical gift but one that anyone in your family or friend group would appreciate. Personally, I love my hand mixer and use it all the time. 
    Lilly Dress - Who wouldn't love a Lilly dress for the holidays? I love this one with the flamingo pattern because it is just so cute. It makes me feel like home in the best way. 
    Glitter Sneakers - O M G. These sneakers are ahhmazing. They are so festive yet practical? Like these would be great to wear with a sparkly dress on New Year's Eve but at the same time your feet wouldn't hurt while you watch the ball drop. 
    Coasters - These are just so cute and I am a huge fan of these china patterns. Plus, they are from Bergdorf's so bonus points for that. 
    Bag - This super practical bag is great for your friend who is effortless in her style. It comes in tons of colors and the material seems to be of the highest quality. 
    Skirt - I love this style of skirt so much and it would be great for the rest of winter. It also comes in different colors and almost every store has a version so you can shop around. 
    Sign - These signs are so adorable. I think this gift is great for a hostess, best friend or someone who has recently moved. You can even give it to them with a cute message already written. 
    La Mer - I've always wanted to try La Mer and this gift set comes in different sizes so you can really treat your friend {or yourself} to something special this holiday season. 
    Sneakers - I love these sneakers for just hanging around town. They would go great with jeans and a simple top to just be comfortable. 
    Clutch - What a wonderful clutch for business dinners and formal settings. It combines simple colors with good leather and it's Kate Spade. 
    Booties - I usually don't like a heel on a bootie but these are just so stinking cute. 

    Wednesday, December 13, 2017

    Week Re-Cap

    What a week it has been, and all of it was good. First, it snowed. IT SNOWED. IT SNOWED IN AUSTIN. I was walking to meet two friends and it was sleeting and I was happy then as we sat in El Mercado {a cute Mexican restaurant near campus} it started full out snowing and I freaked out. I literally stayed outside until it stopped because I couldn't handle it. I took some horrible photos below so y'all could get the gist of it. 
    Second, I visited the best friend in San Antonio. Check out the vlog of our weekend here. But there are some fun photos from Hannah's Teach for America holiday party {the gifs crack me up}. We did some hiking, ate a lot of food and mainly just enjoyed each others company. I miss her all the time so it was so nice to see her before the year comes to a close. P.S. She got me this book for Christmas and I freaked out. 
    Third, it was Texas Ladybirds' formal on Monday and I took one of my good friends Jimmy who I met during a service project what seems like forever ago. Those photos will be going up next Thursday because there were too many good ones to just choose a few.
    Fourth, after formal Serena & I went to Miracle on 5th Street a holiday themed pop up bar in Austin. It was magical. I've included some photos so you can see it, but you must visit to really get the whole thing. 
    Now, that was the past week, it was amazing but this week isn't going to be so amazing. I have two major finals on Monday so I will be buckling down and not leaving my apartment, the library or the main mall for the rest of the week/weekend. I am determined to do well in Stats and Economics so we shall see. I have scheduled the rest of the posts this week so I hope you enjoy them - xoxo darling, Hayden.
    P.S. What are y'all up to? 


     The sunrise on Saturday from Hannah's apartment.

     Demo's Greek in San Antonio.

     Pre-holiday party festivities.

     My outfit for a light hike {seen here}. 

    Loving that it is finally fall in Texas.

     I went to DryBar before my formal and y'all. I had the best time. 
    My hair looked amazing.

     Miracle on 5th Street

    Tuesday, December 12, 2017

    Weekend in My Life - San Antonio Vlog

    For the weekend I headed down to San Antonio to visit the best friend. This was a little vacation for myself before I had to begin the arduous task of studying for finals. I made a little vlog so check it out to see what all we did. Also, there is a hilarious beauty tutorial in there from one of Hannah's friends -xoxo darling, Hayden.

    Monday, December 11, 2017

    Last Day of the Semester

    As the end of the Fall semester comes to a close, I am floored. While this semester didn't go by as quickly as others...it did. The fact that when I come back in the spring will be my last semester of college is absolutely terrifying. But you know, life goes on. 

    Today is the last day of classes, a week from now I have two finals - I'm not excited - so this week will be a lot of studying and studying and studying. Did I mention I will be studying? This semester has taught me a lot about myself. I have always enjoyed school but I will be the first to admit I don't like certain classes. But I have been working incredibly hard in the two classes I hate this semester and it's {kind of} paying off {hopefully, talk to me next week}. I've also learned about how I've changed over the course of my time in college in regard to organizations I'm part of. Some things that I enjoyed for a long time, I no longer find the same joy in. And learning to accept that has been challenging but I think good for the soul. 

    I look forward to next semester, despite that I am incredibly sad college is coming to a close. It will be full of fun, excitement and new adventures. 

    Your regularly scheduled Quotes of the Week will be back next week.

    Saturday, December 9, 2017

    Articles I'm Reading

    1. These photos are the goals for the rest of my life // Paris For My Birthday // Gal Meets Glam
    2. Love some of these, the rest are on my list // The World's Most Popular Museums, Mapped // Viva
    3. I love Emily & her husband so much, they are absolutely adorable together // 10 Years Together // Cupcakes & Cashmere
    4. Those shoes!! // We Love Christmas a Latte // Classy Girls Wear Pearls
    5. Loved all of these // Vintage Travel Photos // National Geographic 
    6. Bows are so in right now and that makes me happy // Bows for the Holidays // Gal Meets Glam
    In Case You Missed It:
    Follow me around campus for a week in my life vlog...
    An early week-recap...
    Find your family/friends gifts for under $80...

    Friday, December 8, 2017

    Texas Ladybirds Initiation

    A few weeks ago we initiated the six class into my spirit group, Texas Ladybirds. This was the last time I will be the one to initiate them and it was bitter sweet to say the least. I am incredibly proud of everything they have accomplished thus far and I know they will continue to strive in the coming semesters. 
    As usual, we had sparklers and took lots of photos, a few of them can be seen below. It was a truly magical night that I was happy to share with all of them - xoxo darling, Hayden. 


    Thursday, December 7, 2017

    Gifts Under $80

    Leggings // Perfume // Backpack // Sweater // Bangle // Blowing Rock // Scarf // Tote Bag // PJs // Coloring Book // Candle // Earrings // Necklace // Sneakers // Stationary
    Leggings - If you read this post you know I'm obsessed with Zella leggings. These are really cute with the ombre and if you know a college student or a 20-something lady get these for her. Seriously, she will thank you for years to come. 
    Perfume - I think this perfume is just too cute and the scent is perfect. This is great for your sister, cousin or yourself for the spring season. 
    Backpack - Get this for the person in your family that had a squirrel eat their backpack earlier in the year...yes it did happen to me. I love the simplicity of the design of this backpack but there are tons out there in all different shapes, colors and sizes. 
    Sweater - I've been wanting a classic Fair Isle sweater for a while and this would be a great piece to give anyone on your gift list. It'll keep you warm, keep you preppy and keep you stylish. 
    Bangle - I love this for a younger cousin or sister. It's a great starter piece for a new jewelry collection. It's a classic shape, color and would go with literally everything in your wardrobe. 
    Blowing Rock - Yet another print from Evelyn Henson because they are too cute. Blowing Rock holds a special place in my heart but she has tons of places. 
    Scarf - How cute is this scarf from Kate Spade for the friend that lives somewhere cold? I feel this would be a great one for your long distance BFF who needs something stylish for her cold NYC commute to work. 
    Tote Bag - The classic VV tote would make a great holiday gift. You could even make it into an entire gift bag with cute items from some of my other gift guides inside. These bags are durable and I love mine so much. 
    PJs - A ton of families have a tradition of giving PJs on Christmas Eve (this isn't something the Pigotts do) but I feel like this set would be great to get. 
    Coloring Book - I love a good coloring book and this YSL one looks to be the stuff of fairy tales. If you have someone in your life that is always stressed or needs to left off steam, this is for them. 
    Candle - These candles are my obsession because they are so expensive that I can never justify buying one. I love the idea of smelling mimosas while drinking mimosas...but I don't know? If you are looking for something to show someone you love them I would totally recommend this. 
    Earrings - I love these earrings with the idea to wear them for New Years Eve. They remind me of fireworks and how cute would they be to ring in the new year? These are good for pretty much anyone in your life. 
    Necklace - I love a good tassel necklace and this one from Lilly seems perfect. It will be a great pop of color in the winter months and will be a good transition piece for spring as well. 
    Sneakers - I have always loved the Kate Spade Keds. They are such an easy gift for the holidays because they will go with everything while being super cute. Who needs Adidas Superstars when you can have these bad boys? 
    Stationary - How adorable is this set of stationary? It's from BG and I fell in love as soon as I saw it. If you have a college or high school grad in the family, they'll need stationary for all of the thank you notes they need to write soon - get them this. 

    Wednesday, December 6, 2017

    A Week in My Life at The University of Texas

    I vlogged my entire week so that you could see what a week in my life at UT looks like. Check it out & let me know if you are considering attending this amazing place- xoxo darling, Hayden.

    Tuesday, December 5, 2017

    Week Re-Cap

    Wait...the week re-cap is a day early? But why? 
    Because tomorrow I am posting "A Week in My Life at UT" video so y'all can really see what my week was like...although I will admit my phone is terrible and I didn't film a ton because I kept forgetting. But we shall see how y'all feel about it! 
    This week I finished up a ton of stats, worked on my final journalism portfolio project {it's due tomorrow}, watched some really bad Christmas movies, volunteered, did a photoshoot and brunched at Banger's. 
    What have y'all been up to? -xoxo darling, Hayden

     Lots of statistics for my massive stats project that I basically worked on all week last week.

     Hot chocolate & A Christmas Prince after finishing
     aforementioned stats project.

    Shooting downtown for my spirit group.

    Cow Tipping after a morning of volunteering at the wildflower center.

    Finally brunched at Banger's and finished a Manmosa by myself.

    Saturday, December 2, 2017

    Articles I'm Reading

    1. The Madewell gift guide is killing the game this year // Madewell's Gift Guide
    2. This makes we want to visit the Arctic so bad // Aerial Pictures Reveal a Wild Arctic Wonderland // National Geographic
    3. It is crazy to see how this family has changed over the years // Thanksgiving Holiday Traditions // Classy Girls Wear Pearls
    4. Her photos are gorgeous, I can't get enough // Scotland Adventures // Gal Meets Glam
    5. Loved loved loved her dress + shoes // Getting Ready + Our First Look // Design Darling
    6. This story made my family crack up because we do not like Cheesecake Factory // Cheesecake Factory is an American dystopia - and here are the tweets to prove it // The Daily Dot
    In Case You Missed It:
    See what I did in West Virginia & Pittsburgh
    Check out these gifts under $60...
    I tried a ton of peppermint products and told you my honest thoughts...

    Friday, December 1, 2017

    Peppermint Taste Test

    A second video this week?! How crazy! I decided to do a very cliche video about peppermint flavored products because I am obsessed with peppermint. Happy December, am I right?
    Click below to see what products you should buy if you love it too (or avoid buying) - xoxo darling, Hayden.

    Thursday, November 30, 2017

    Gift Guide Under $60

    Plaid Shirt - This flannel sleep shirt looks like what dreams are made of (pun intended). I like it because you could just wear it with underwear and head off to sleep and still feel cute. Plus, blackwatch plaid is my all time favorite. If you aren't into this kind Vineyard Vines also has a more traditional PJ set in pink. A lot of families give PJs as a night before the holidays gift so I would be asking for this one...
    Packed Party Box - Does anyone else follow Packed Party? I have watched this company grow and their Instagram is on FIRE. I have always wanted to send one of their boxes to a friend or receive one myself. Each item is so unique and chosen with such care. If you have a long distance friend and you want to get them something that will really surprise them, go for Packed Party. 
    Coat - How cute is this coat? This would be a great gift for a sister or mom if they are looking for a new coat or don't have this style. It is made out of good material that should last for a long time plus it comes in a ton of colors so anyone in your life can find the right one for them. 
    Photo Frame - I don't know why but this photo frame really caught my eye on Kate Spade's website. I think it would be the cutest thing to get for your best friend and get your all time favorite photo of the two of you together. It is a thoughtful gift without being too hard to do. 
    Rain Boots - These are so popular around our campus? I'm a Hunter girl myself but I do think these are way more stylish. They come in a variety of colors but I think black is the best color to get anyone in your life. 
    Beret - Y'ALL. I am obsessed. I've always loved berets but now they are finally coming back into style! I am waiting to pull the trigger on this cotton candy pink one because it would be so cute for the January/February times. 
    Canvas Tote - If you are looking for one of those cute Madewell bags in leather but it is just too pricey this season, go with the canvas tote. I love it in the military green because I want that color to be our color of the year in 2018. 
    Shoes - OBSESSED with these shoes. Loving the mustard color and its continuation into winter. Plus, the embroidery is really cute and I just want to wear these with everything. I think they would really complete most outfits {with skirts, pants, jeans, etc}. 
    Ice Bucket - Okay, no one needs an ice bucket but like...don't you want this one? I think tortoise shell is the best neutral pattern for any home, apartment, dorm room you can find. And don't use it for ice if you don't want to, just store stuff in it or have it in your room with nothing in it. If a friend or hostess has a bar cart, this is such an easy choice. 
    Beanie - I have been having a real infatuation with beanies recently. I think it goes back to my intense fall wanderlust but I have been in to them. This one is just so adorable - I love the huge puff on top and it comes it tons of colors. The maroon just goes with everything (black, green, blue, etc). 
    Phone Case - Yet again love me some tortoise shell pattern. I probably should get a new iPhone case because it has been a hot minute and this one would be so cute. If you put the scallop pocket on the back {from this gift guide} it would be even cuter. Get this case for literally anyone in your life.
    Bag - This bag makes me feel a little summery but with the other color options you can really wear it anywhere. I think the woven detailing makes it interesting and not like every other cross-body you see. Get this one for your good friend who has worn out her previous cross-body and she will be forever thankful. 
    Top - How adorable is this navy striped top? It is such a great gift for your best friend or mom for the spring season. I love the bow detail, it is extra but not too extra. 
    Lee - I have a small obsession with Lee Radziwill and I want this book so bad for my future readings. If you have any friends that love history, women or Jackie O get them this. 
    200 Women - These 200 women were all asked the same five questions and all gave the most fascinating answers. The photography that accompanies is beautiful. This is the perfect hostess gift, best friend gift or even just if you know a feminist you should give it to them. It will make a great coffee table book and an awesome read in the future. 
    Gray Malin Book - Gray Malin is one of my favorite photographers of all time and this book is absolutely wonderful. This will be a wonderful addition to any coffee table but also just to enjoy the amazing photos this man takes. 

    Wednesday, November 29, 2017

    Week Re-Cap

    This has been a wonderful week because my family visited for more than half of it. We went on so many adventures in the Hill Country, ate way too much food and just had a fun time in general. This re-cap has so many photos and I encourage you to look through them if you have plans to visit Austin any time soon. 
    It was also the week in which I attended my last home football game as a senior. I have one more, our bowl game (!!!!) but after that it is over. I actually started crying before the game started (yes, I get emotional over college football). And of course, we lost...I was so mad I couldn't speak but you know, we still get to go to a bowl so it will be fine. 
    I have a Stats test today and a Stats project to finish as well as a lot of meetings and other stuff going on but I'll keep y'all updated. I'm also filming a week in my life at college this week so that should be up next Tuesday, stay tuned - xoxo darling, Hayden.

    Batch Craft Kolaches in Austin.

    Lost Maples State Natural Area

    Stonehenge II

    The County Courthouse in Kerrville, Texas

    Suds Monkey Brewery in Dripping Springs

    Thanksgiving breakfast at Kerbey Lane.

    A poster at Harry Ransom Center.

    The ceiling at Threadgill's.

    Thanksgiving Pie at Threadgills.

    A late night show at The Continental Club

    My last home game as a senior. 

    Scholz Beer Garden

    Saturday BBQ at Black's.

    Tuesday, November 28, 2017

    West Virginia/Pittsburgh Vlog

    Here is yet another travel vlog for y'all! I have a few more videos coming up over the next few weeks so hopefully you like them. We went to West Virginia and Pennsylvania for a long weekend. If you have any questions about our trip, feel free to reach out - xoxo darling, Hayden.

    Thursday, November 23, 2017

    Happy Thanksgiving

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. 
    I will be taking the rest of the week off to spend with my parents but I'll be back on Monday. 
    Have a wonderful weekend-xoxo darling, Hayden.

    Wednesday, November 22, 2017

    Week Re-Cap

    It has been a week! It started off with a volleyball game on Wednesday evening, followed by three different events on Thursday and then an early morning flight to Pittsburgh on Friday. I met my parents in PA for the West Virginia game {we won!} and then we spent Sunday driving through the cutest little towns in Pennsylvania. Monday was yet another early flight home to get to school for my stats class and then yesterday I had my last class before Thanksgiving break. I'm officially done for the week and this morning I am off to Lost Maples State Park to see some pretty leaves. I hope you are having a wonderful break, let me know what you're up to-xoxo darling, Hayden.

     Wednesday night our volleyball team took on 
    Kansas and won easily in 3 sets.

     Kelly, Serena and I

     Finally went to a Madrigal Dinner at UT, if you go here
     I would recommend it. 

     Late Thursday night broomball with Comm Council.

     So strange to think that my big and I will be graduating in May. 

     Texas Ex Ambassadors take on Broomball.

     Church Brew - a brewery in an old church - in Pittsburgh.

     The Southern Tier taproom in Pittsburgh. 

    Max & Erma's warm cookies really hit the spot on a cold night. 

     My first trip to Milan Puskar Stadium.

     It was a cold, rainy day.

     BUT Y'ALL, WE WON!!! And we are bowl eligible! It was such a great moment!!

     Let me stop for a moment to talk about the PRT at WVU, aka the cutest thing ever to exist. You will see a full video of it in my vlog coming out next week but guys. If you haven't gone to Morgantown to ride this little guy, you haven't lived. It is the cutest most adorable thing I have ever been on. 

    A local Morgantown brewery.

    The family finally got to eat at Wings Ole, something we have been wanting to do for years.

     Washington and Jefferson College in Washington, PA was super cute. We took the photos from yesterday's post on the campus. 

    Y'all, it snowed and I was so thrilled.

    Tuesday, November 21, 2017

    Florida Girl Meets Snow


    Saturday, November 18, 2017

    Articles I'm Reading

    1. This makes me want to go back to Scotland so bad // Our Scotland Adventure Part Two // Gal Meets Glam
    2. I am loving Design Darling's wedding posts // Our Welcome Party // Design Darling
    3. TAKE ME BACK // London in October // Gal Meets Glam
    4. Totally buying these for my annual peppermint party // Holiday Balloons // Studio DIY
    5. Love this dress // Denim Fringe Dress // Lonestar Southern
    6. How cute are these?! // Isa Tapia Shelby Strappy Pumps // Shopbop
    In Case You Missed It:
    A lot went on last week, check out all of the photos...
    Get these gifts under $40...
    Talking about my intense wanderlust this fall...

    Friday, November 17, 2017

    Intense Wanderlust

         This fall has been difficult in a weird sense of the word. No, I'm not talking about school/organizations/friends, I'm talking about the most intense wanderlust I have felt in a long time. Normally I can tamp it down but this fall it has been leaving me feeling empty and craving travel photos on Pinterest. I swear I have planned 800 trips that I have no intention of going on purely because I want to go so bad.
           I'm not sure what started it - maybe it was two summers ago I had the most amazing adventure of my life and this summer I was in Florida working 5 days a week...or maybe it is all of the bloggers I follow...or maybe it is something else. But I've been craving travel. My trip to LA and Dallas helped a little but it still only slightly lessened it. I am so looking forward to heading off to Pittsburgh and West Virginia today because I love the north and the cold. I will try to take some real cute photos {I've been feeling inspired by Julia at Gal Meets Glam lately}. But will this quench my wanderlust thirst? No clue...I hope so, because it has been difficult to focus when my mind just wants to be seeing new things, experiencing new cultures and learning new information. 
           Now that I have written this blog post I realize maybe it is a strange form of senioritis that has me feeling this way? I love college and I am going to cry the day I have to leave it but maybe I am finally starting to crave a new adventure?

    Thursday, November 16, 2017

    Gift Guide Under $40

    Tea Set // Pillow // Scarf // Headband // Austin Print // Unicorn Headband // Whale Ice Cube Tray // Pom Pouch // Scallop Sticker Pocket // Tassel Earrings // Top // Agenda // Stapler // Bandana // Pom Pom Necklace // Passport Holder //  Dinner Plate // Calendar // Sunglasses // Umbrella
    Tea Set - How cute is this individual tea set?! I've been really into drinking tea lately instead of coffee (because one day I had over three cups of coffee...) and I love this one from Anthro so much. Plus, this is a great gift for a friend that loves tea or a hostess. 
    Pillow - If you have someone that loves Lilly, Florida, Hawaii or the pineapple fruit...you should buy this for them. It is the perfect accent pillow for any prep, especially in your dorm room. What a great way to "re-do" your apartment for the spring semester! 
    Scarf - I love pretty much everything Pendleton and then I found out they had a National Park collection...I want it all. This one is from Glacier National Park and I just really like the stripes on the white. The collection is pretty expensive but this scarf is on sale at the moment, so if you like it go buy it while they last! 
    Headband - How cute is this oversized bow headband? I would love to believe that headbands are coming back into style because I seriously miss them. I was one of those little girls who had a headband for every outfit...were any of you like that? Seriously, I loved them and I still have one that I use when I put my make-up on but it is falling apart. Let's bring them back y'all! If you aren't into the velvet bow, this one and this one are real cute too. 
    Austin Print - I featured Evelyn Henson's work in my last gift guide but her prints of the cities/towns needed to make it in too. I absolutely love them and want her to do Fort Myers so bad. But until then I might need the Austin one for my future apartment/home in my new city...wherever that might be. You can get them from all over so if your family vacations to a certain place she may have one.
    Unicorn Headband - This whimsical little thing is just too cute. Like you would have absolutely no where to wear it but...there is something about it. I could totally see myself buying this for my best friend {maybe one for me too} and wearing them around my apartment for a birthday or something. They would also be really cute instead of party hats for a 21st birthday. 
    Whale Ice Cube Tray - If you love whales like I do this ice cube tray is a must. I never make ice {hello ice maker} but if I was throwing a party in the summer I would NEED these trays. They would make a really cute hostess gift or if your friend loves VV they're an option. If you aren't into them these pineapple ones or these hashtag ones are adorable. 
    Pom Pouch  - Packed Party is one of my favorite brands, they have been for a while but they just keep getting better! I love this pom pouch because it would make such a cute clutch that would go with my entire wardrobe. It's great for a new friend, secret santa present or you can stuff it with a bunch of little gifts to really make some one's day. 
    Scallop Sticker Pocket - I have not really been into this trend of pockets on the back of phones because most people put some ugly logo on them and they are that weird rubber material that I don't like. But dang, I could get behind it with this sticker from Kate Spade. I love that it is made out of high quality material {shout out to my wallet that has lasted since high school} and it has those scallops. 
    Tassel Earrings - These are so popular around the influencer world and while I don't have my ears pierced I wouldn't hesitate buying a hostess or friend this gift. They come in tons of colors and are the perfect amount of cute. 
    Top - Gingham is one of my favorite patterns/fabrics so why would I not include this top in the guide? You might think you look like a picnic but I think you'll look adorable! There is a ton of gingham out there but I like the idea of black and white for winter. 
    Agenda - When you're in the real world your year probably revolves around January - December so getting someone a planner for Christmas makes so much sense! Plus there are a ton of really cute ones out there. Get this for someone that would enjoy it...not for someone who might think you are saying they are unorganized {yikes!}. 
    Stapler - Tortoise shell is such a great thing and this stapler is so perfect. I don't care who you buy it for most people would love it. Especially because most people's staplers are plain, boring. This would add the perfect pop of color/pattern to any one's desk. 
    Bandana - KJP's stuff is always perfectly preppy and I really like their bandanas this season. The one above would be great for UT events because it has great complimentary colors. Also, they seem a little bigger than most bandanas so you have more ways of tying it to look cute. 
    Pom Pom Necklace - If you are as obsessed with pom poms as I am, please comment below. I LOVE THEM. This necklace is so stinking cute and the muted purple would be great for the winter months. I would totally get this for my best friend. 
    Passport Holder - For your friend that is always on the go, a passport holder is a great gift. The color of this one and the cute "Jet Set Go" phrase made me choose it but there are tons around the internet. I have a pink one from a friend that I use and I love it as well as one from my parents that is Pan Am themed. 
    Dinner Plate - If you have been a reader of the blog for any amount of time you know I am a Francophile...I love me some French items. When I saw this plate on Anthro's website I wanted to buy it immediately. It has the Eiffel Tower, Sacre Coeur and Notre Dame gracing it's stoneware face. Plus, it is dishwasher and microwavable safe! 
    Calendar - When I was younger I always got a calendar for Christmas because I love them! I haven't gotten one in a while because I rely heavily on my planner and college is crazy, but when I become a fully fledged adult I plan on getting a really cute one. I love this one from Anthro because the places look so beautiful, it would inspire your wanderlust just by crossing off a day. 
    Sunglasses - Millennial pink is my current favorite color {navy blue will always be my go-to} and these sunglasses are affordable from H&M. For trendy things my go to is H&M because I know the clothes won't last and I don't need them to. These would be a great stocking stuffer for a friend or sister. 
    Umbrella - One Christmas I received an umbrella and you might think that isn't the best gift but it has been such a lifesaver. I used to just use free umbrellas and they would always break but a really solid umbrella is a great practical purchase. The one I have is made all out of recycled materials but this one from Kate Spade is so flipping cute.