My grand-grand little moved to the area & we finally reunited!
Happy Halloween week! Hope y'all are doing well out there.
Checked out The Little Tiki Bar of Horrors at The Electric Cure & loved it.

Checked out Spirits pop-up bar in Larimer Square.

And Slashers on East Colfax

Coffee Story's strawberry shaved ice

HiRa Cafe & Patisserie's mocha cake

Spent Saturday morning reading at Jubilee Roasting Co.

Pulled pork sandwich at Plates by the Pound

Just three normal, average costumes.
Had my favorite pizza at Pizzeria Lui in Lakewood.

Had late night boba at Kutea

Wellness Sushi is completely veggie!

Took a little trip to Austin.

Ate this pizza...

...and drank this beer at Jester King.

Tried Meanwhile Brewing Co. for the first time!

Missed you.

Saw the new changes to Anna Hiss.

Went for quite a hike.

Ate at the new Pinthouse Brewing.

Tried I <3 Mac & Cheese in Highlands Ranch.

Had the most magical delivery from Board & Berries.