Began: Jan. 31, 2023
Ends: Oct. 28, 2025
0 completed, 61 to go!
In progress
- Read 120 books.
- Watch 5 foreign films.
- Visit a dermatologist.
- Go to 100 new-to-me restaurants.
- Find a financial planner.
- Watch 5 documentaries.
- Attend the symphony.
- Shoot a gun.
- Go to 20 new-to-me coffee shops.
- Cook 25 new recipes.
- Watch 5 "classic" films.
- Travel to a new country.
- Bake bread.
- Go on a fall foliage trip.
- Buy something big for myself.
- Visit a new national park.
- Try 50 new-to-me breweries.
- Visit the 5 states remaining in the lower 48.
- Get a t-shirt quilt made.
- Host a dinner party.
- See 5 plays.
- Get Feminist Cocktails to 10k on TikTok.
- Organize all TikTok and Instagram post scheduling.
- Upload all Feminist Cocktails to YouTube Shorts.
- Upload all Best Eats Charlotte content to YouTube Shorts.
- Clean out & unsubscribe from email lists across all email accounts.
- Ride a horse.
- Find a new volunteer opportunity.
- Do 3 more Haute Table travel guides.
- Go on a girls trip.
- Discover artists' work that I like.
- Fully decorate 1 room in my home.
- Visit a lavender farm.
- Pick tulips.
- Attempt to make croissants.
- Go to an NFL game.
- Take a walking tour of the city.
- Vow not to order delivery for 2 months.
- Go to 3 concerts.
- Watch the Pride & Prejudice mini series.
- Attend a polo match.
- Phone bank for an election.
- Update my resume & LinkedIn every six months.
- Go on a date.
- Visit a friend in another city.
- Treat myself to a solo weekend away.
- Get a house plant and keep it alive.
- Do another 1-second a day video.
- Host a midnight margaritas party.
- Buy something big for myself.
- Join the Mint Museum Young Affiliates.
- Go to a North Carolina beach.
- Go to 3 NC state parks.
- Check out the International Civil Rights Center.
- Sip eggnog at Nog in Greenville.
- Eat at McNinch House Restaurant.
- See NASCAR in Charlotte.
- Go to Horn in the West.
- Go on 10 day trips in North Carolina.
- Explore all of Charlotte's greenways.
- Find the cutest bookstore in North Carolina.