Thursday, October 31, 2013
Books To Read
Believe it or not, cover art is what gets me to read a book-that and the title. So when I go to Barnes & Noble I scour the isles for the best looking books, pick them up and read the jacket. This method usually works 50% of the time. So here are some books from my last trip to the bookstore that I am dying to read.
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Preppy iPhone Backgrounds
Below are my all time favorite prepster iPhone backgrounds. I know it might sound dumb, but I since I am such an aesthetic person, I love having the perfect iPhone background. It can't be too busy but it has to be decorated a certain way. Did I miss any of your favorites?
A note: None of these are my images. If you are the owner of one of these images and would like it to be taken down, please just let me know.
A note: None of these are my images. If you are the owner of one of these images and would like it to be taken down, please just let me know.
Monday, October 28, 2013
Night Stand
{One of my favorite reads: The New York Times Style Magazine,
my glasses, pearls and my charm bracelet}
{A prize won for being good at geography, landmarks, and operation of Google image search}
{My favorite things: Coco Chanel Perfume, an Owl, a Sheep, The Penelopiad, The Official Preppy Handbook, True Prep, Gaddafi's Harem, One Woman, One Vote, Preppy}
Sunday, October 27, 2013
My Jewelry Area
From past blog entries, you can probably guess that I'm not that much of a jewelry person. However, I do own some and what I do own, I hate putting away. It's so pretty and it makes me happy (even if I don't know how to pair it) so I like to keep it on display. I had this metal "h" from UO for so long and I finally figured out I could put it to use, so that is where I hang my necklaces. My bracelets (which I seem to have an infinite amount of) go on a little tree-branch system I bought for $7 at TJ Maxx, I then have two cups (that I made myself) that hold my rings/pins and sample perfume. The little black box holds special jewelry made for me by my Grand-Mama (the box she bought me in China).
Saturday, October 26, 2013
My Obsession: Essie Nail Polish
Lots of girls have their favorite nail polish brand, and mine is Essie. If the color isn't one of Essie's I don't want it. There is something about the texture and their colors that make me happy. Below are some of my all time favorites. What are yours?
P.S. At the moment I am wearing Fishnet Stockings.
Saturday Inspiration
Have a great Saturday!
Love this dress.
Perfect meal.
Tea Cups are a must for next pary
Emma Watson is perfect
Great idea!
Ballet shoes, how many
does one go through?
Always reading
Color selector
Bedroom of a prep
Downton Abbey can you hurry back?!
Love this outfit
Maybe I should do this...
Friday, October 25, 2013
Let's Get Spooky
So as we all know, Halloween is coming up! Now I do not go tricker treating anymore, but I do miss the free candy! But there is still something extremely fun about dressing up as someone else for the night. SO, here are some of my ideas for Halloween costumes, and how to pull them off:
Rachel Zoe:
She's iconic! This is best pulled off if you are short, with GIGANTIC heels! And all black is a must, with a hat and GIANT sunglasses. Oh, and a venti coffee! Don't forget your iPhone, humungous bag and tons of accessories. Also, through on a fur vest (because those make sense in LA) and run around your party!
Karl Lagerfeld:
One of the weirdest people in fashion is the one and only Karl Lagerfeld. I mean that hair, those glasses, those gloves, ugh. His cat even has a Twitter (admitting that I follow it is a little scary). So who else for Halloween would you be other than Chanel's Karl? Throw on a silk shirt, a black blazer, a random broach, some little gloves, sunglasses, and carry a cat around with you and you will be the life of the party!
Iris Apfel:
This woman is amazing. She has made fashion so much easier for the masses with her crazy, astonishing outfits. She makes me want to go throw on every weird item in my closet and strut around town like a model. So if you want to embody someone seriously inspirational, use this costume (similar to Rachel Zoe's in the idea of jewelry EVERYWHERE!). Just don't forget the glasses!
Cher (Clueless):
One of the greatest movies of the 90s (for fashion and girls) is Clueless. No matter how you feel about Cher's personality you have to admit the fashion is flawless! I personally am a huge fan because I love preppy and that is exactly what she is. I created two ideas for Cher because I love the boa + red dress combo as well as the shopping outfit.
Britney Spears:
Okay, I am not the hugest Brit fan, but I have always wanted to re-create the "Baby One More Time" school girl outfit. Those platform loafers and fuzzy srcunchies embody the 90s like no other. Just put on a plaid skirt, tie an Oxford so your stomach shows and put on some knee-highs.
Bill Cunningham:
The most adorable person on Earth (possibly) is Bill Cunningham. He has been working as a fashion photographer for forever and is so amazing. So this Halloween go iconic and throw on a blue cardigan some khaki's and three cameras. If people don't know who you are...well maybe you shouldn't be friends with them (just kidding!).
Audrey Hepburn:
Last, but definitely not least, is one of the loveliest woman that ever lived. Audrey is what we all wish we could be- which is why she is perfect for Halloween (and super affordable!). A turtle neck, leggings, flats, and a bun are all you need for this simple yet iconic look.
Rachel Zoe:
She's iconic! This is best pulled off if you are short, with GIGANTIC heels! And all black is a must, with a hat and GIANT sunglasses. Oh, and a venti coffee! Don't forget your iPhone, humungous bag and tons of accessories. Also, through on a fur vest (because those make sense in LA) and run around your party!
Karl Lagerfeld:
One of the weirdest people in fashion is the one and only Karl Lagerfeld. I mean that hair, those glasses, those gloves, ugh. His cat even has a Twitter (admitting that I follow it is a little scary). So who else for Halloween would you be other than Chanel's Karl? Throw on a silk shirt, a black blazer, a random broach, some little gloves, sunglasses, and carry a cat around with you and you will be the life of the party!
Iris Apfel:
This woman is amazing. She has made fashion so much easier for the masses with her crazy, astonishing outfits. She makes me want to go throw on every weird item in my closet and strut around town like a model. So if you want to embody someone seriously inspirational, use this costume (similar to Rachel Zoe's in the idea of jewelry EVERYWHERE!). Just don't forget the glasses!
Cher (Clueless):
One of the greatest movies of the 90s (for fashion and girls) is Clueless. No matter how you feel about Cher's personality you have to admit the fashion is flawless! I personally am a huge fan because I love preppy and that is exactly what she is. I created two ideas for Cher because I love the boa + red dress combo as well as the shopping outfit.
Britney Spears:
Okay, I am not the hugest Brit fan, but I have always wanted to re-create the "Baby One More Time" school girl outfit. Those platform loafers and fuzzy srcunchies embody the 90s like no other. Just put on a plaid skirt, tie an Oxford so your stomach shows and put on some knee-highs.
Bill Cunningham:
The most adorable person on Earth (possibly) is Bill Cunningham. He has been working as a fashion photographer for forever and is so amazing. So this Halloween go iconic and throw on a blue cardigan some khaki's and three cameras. If people don't know who you are...well maybe you shouldn't be friends with them (just kidding!).
Audrey Hepburn:
Last, but definitely not least, is one of the loveliest woman that ever lived. Audrey is what we all wish we could be- which is why she is perfect for Halloween (and super affordable!). A turtle neck, leggings, flats, and a bun are all you need for this simple yet iconic look.
What To Do With Old Cards
So I have this dish on my desk that houses all of my favorite old cards. Whether it is the picture on the front, or the message inside, I have kept some over the years. But I hate having them sit in the dish for no one else to see, so I decided to place my favorite ones on top of my bookshelf. The key was to layering them, tall verticals in the back, smallest in the front. What do you do with your old cards?
Thursday, October 24, 2013
How To: Be The Perfect Big in Five Steps
This year in SGA it was decided to do bigs and littles. Some of you might know the process from sororities and fraternities. Essentially, my little does not know who I am, until we do the big/little reveal, but I leave little gifts and hints for her.
I love giving gifts and making people happy, so being a big is one of my favorite things ever. So below are my tips to bring a big.
1. Actually give them cards, with real messages. I make all of mine on InDesign and it really counts. My little loves the fact I leave her cute messages along with gifts.
2. Food: It is the perfect gift.
3. Find out what their favorite things are so you aren't giving them lame items.
4. Try to find things in common with your Little, that way once you do the big/little reveal you will have stuff to talk about.
5. Make them important, the more you care about them, the better you'll make them feel.
I love giving gifts and making people happy, so being a big is one of my favorite things ever. So below are my tips to bring a big.
1. Actually give them cards, with real messages. I make all of mine on InDesign and it really counts. My little loves the fact I leave her cute messages along with gifts.
2. Food: It is the perfect gift.
3. Find out what their favorite things are so you aren't giving them lame items.
4. Try to find things in common with your Little, that way once you do the big/little reveal you will have stuff to talk about.
5. Make them important, the more you care about them, the better you'll make them feel.
Here are my gifts to my Little:
Gift No. 1:
A cute card
& an iPhone with chocolates!
Gift No. 2:
A cute card, sunglasses,
a tiny panda,
& Smart Pop with chocolate covered almonds!
Louisiana State Game Day
As you know, I was in Baton Rouge last weekend for the LSU v. uf game. It was an amazing experience and I would go back any day. The amount of preppy boys and girls was amazing. Enjoy the pictures below:
Best Dressed Player:
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Pumpkin Cupcakes
Every October I bake my favorite cupcakes...pumpkin. I will eat anything pumpkin but I really love my cupcakes, so much so that I save five for myself. You can find a recipe similar to mine here.
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
How To: Chevron Pumpkin
Every year my friend, Katie, and I get together to decorate a pumpkin. This year we gave into the chevron trend. Below are some simple steps to making your own chevron pumpkin.
Materials: Knife, White Paint,
Pumpkin Scooper, Painters Tape
Use painters tape to mark out your
chevron print, it does
not have to be perfect.
Paint over pumpkin,
repeat two more times.
If you want, tape off a section for
monograms to make sure it's extra preppy.
Final product!
All Time Favorite Movies
A few of my college applications have asked me for my favorite films, literally one says "Best Movie of All Time: _________." I am not a film buff, but I love movies, old ones, new ones, anything. So here is a list of some of my all time favorites:
Because who doesn't love a princess story? Especially one involving Audrey Hepburn and Gregory Peck. I cry every time because I want them to ride off into the sunset on that moped. But the clothing is amazing and the scenery is beautiful, so it is a must see.
Carl Spackler...maybe my favorite character of all time. No, I love them all. This movie makes my sides hurt every time and it makes me want to work at a country club (no lie). The gopher probably makes the movie and I've always wanted to buy a dancing gopher off of e-bay.
I'm a huge Katherine Hepburn fan, and when you add Cary Grant to the screen I might just cry. Bringing Up Baby makes me laugh every time and I seriously want to steal Hepburn's closet. Oh and did I mention there is a leopard?
An 80s classic, Ferris Bueller's Day Off is something everyone wishes they could do...especially IB students. The way he engineers his escape fascinates me. And when they keep calling his name in class, I die. Also, I love the Dirty Dancing sister and Charlie Sheen scene.
Who doesn't love fashion, Paris, and dancing? If you don't you probably shouldn't be reading this blog. I adore this movie, every aspect about it.
I'm a huge Wes Anderson fan and I will watch this movie any time it comes on. I love the characters, the clothes, the scenery, the script, EVERYTHING!
I am a total francophile, and this movie personifies my dream, owning an amazing villa in the south of France. I love Peter Mayle books and this movie is just so perfect.
Sex. Clothes. Popularity. Whatever. This movie revolutionized the way teenage girls thought.
Because who doesn't love a princess story? Especially one involving Audrey Hepburn and Gregory Peck. I cry every time because I want them to ride off into the sunset on that moped. But the clothing is amazing and the scenery is beautiful, so it is a must see.
Carl Spackler...maybe my favorite character of all time. No, I love them all. This movie makes my sides hurt every time and it makes me want to work at a country club (no lie). The gopher probably makes the movie and I've always wanted to buy a dancing gopher off of e-bay.
I'm a huge Katherine Hepburn fan, and when you add Cary Grant to the screen I might just cry. Bringing Up Baby makes me laugh every time and I seriously want to steal Hepburn's closet. Oh and did I mention there is a leopard?
An 80s classic, Ferris Bueller's Day Off is something everyone wishes they could do...especially IB students. The way he engineers his escape fascinates me. And when they keep calling his name in class, I die. Also, I love the Dirty Dancing sister and Charlie Sheen scene.
Who doesn't love fashion, Paris, and dancing? If you don't you probably shouldn't be reading this blog. I adore this movie, every aspect about it.
I'm a huge Wes Anderson fan and I will watch this movie any time it comes on. I love the characters, the clothes, the scenery, the script, EVERYTHING!
I am a total francophile, and this movie personifies my dream, owning an amazing villa in the south of France. I love Peter Mayle books and this movie is just so perfect.
Sex. Clothes. Popularity. Whatever. This movie revolutionized the way teenage girls thought.
Those plaid mini's with knee highs became so popular and having cell phones and our obsession with Paul Rudd all came from this one film.
But my all time favorite movie is this fabulous one. I love Hitchcock and I love Grant & Kelly. The clothes, the French Riviera, the suspense, the Carnival party, every aspect of this movie is amazing.
But my all time favorite movie is this fabulous one. I love Hitchcock and I love Grant & Kelly. The clothes, the French Riviera, the suspense, the Carnival party, every aspect of this movie is amazing.
Monday, October 21, 2013
Resort Wear Is Here!
Thanks to Bergdorf Goodman, you can now buy the chicest resort wear on the wear at a resort...hahahaha. No, the term "resort wear" has never made sense to me, but the clothes are absolutely AMAZING!
Akris Casa Azul Pleated Dress
Akris Punto Soccer Field Snap Blazer
Bottega Veneta Soft Woven Straw Oxford
Burberry London Mulberry Silk-Blend Trenchcoat
Christian Louboutin Paulina Pointed-Toe Ballet Flat
Jimmy Choo Allure Point-Toe Patent Pump
Lavin Ruffled One-Shoulder Gown
Manolo Blahnik Galop Striped Canvas Halter Pump
Oscar de la Renta Ribbon Striped Lace Dress
Reed Krakoff Boxer Micro Tote Bag
Roland Mouret Eugene Fold-Back Top
and Adara Wide Leg Trousers
Stella McCartney Lace Hem Shift Dress
Valentino Fluorescent Garden Lace Dress
Sunday, October 20, 2013
New Desktop
New desktop wallpaper! I'm in love with this one because I learned how to make text from a picture! The pink is from flowers in Oregon.
Saturday, October 19, 2013
Saturday Inspiration
Have a great Saturday!
Wish people still carried trunks.
Crying, I want to be there!
Laptop case = perfect.
Ballet is amazing.
Must DO!
My stomach is growling.
Love this!
Holy Pink!
Love this shot!
Carrie & Big
Jackie O
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Banana Pudding Cupcakes
These cupcakes were to die for. They took a long time, but they were totally worth it! You can find a recipe similar to mine here.
Monday, October 14, 2013
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Saturday, October 12, 2013
Saturday Inspiration
Have a great Saturday!
Tights for winter, yes please!
This makes me want to go to the beach.
Watermelons, I have an
obsession with them.
I don't even surf.
Must make lace crowns!
Pretty Print
Me, all the time.
Love the layering
J. Crew is literal perfection.
Italy? Yes please!
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