looking for something?

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Saturday Inspiration

Love that skirt! 

That dachshund foil print is so cute.

Love these!

I think I need these #pineappleobsessed

This is so awesome! I want to make one for my apartment next year!

This case is the perfect mix of upbeat and abstract.

Well...they look perfect.

So cute!

The perfect sweater for a rainy day.

Friday, January 30, 2015

Cheers to the Weekend

It's finally the weekend! I am very excited to sleep in, hangout with some of my friends, and catch up on a ton of homework! What are y'all up to? -xoxo darling, Hayden
One // To treating ourselves.
Two // To smelling fresh flowers at the local market.
Three // To reorganizing your closet. 
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Articles I Am Reading

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Oaks & Villas

{Details: Blazer {Similar} // Shirt // Scarf {I cannot find it anywhere, but is H&M LOGG} // Jeans // Flats // Bracelets {Old Navy, really old} // Charm Bracelet // Nail Polish // Location 1 & 2}

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Week Re-Cap

It has been an interesting but pretty good week. I have been feeling a little overwhelmed with schoolwork {but it seems to be going okay}. I have also been feeling like I have not been being social enough or exploring enough because I don't have people to go with so I am trying to make some friends in my new classes that will be interested in new/weird food & really long bus rides to try things! So stay tuned for more crazy HT adventures. Other than that, Babs & I got into the stadium kind of late at night, that was an adventure! It rained a lot last week to the point where you couldn't see the tower, I caught up with some amazing girls from my fashion class, hung out with Emma a TON {she is our District cover girl for February}, and held a pug. How is your week?
-xoxo darling, Hayden
Running in the stadium...sketchy at night.
 The tower looked awesome!
Love these girls.
 Arnold Palmers in the candlelight. 
 Drove past Matthew McConaughey's house.
Went out to Lake Travis
 Lighting at frat parties is always on point.
 WWII Party
 I went as Rosie!
 Chingy performed
 Grabbed some coffee with District Magazine's cover girl!
Held a pug...it was great.
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Saturday, January 24, 2015

Saturday Inspiration

I really like that screensaver!
Iced animal crackers used to be my favorite things 
in the whole wide world...I miss that.
I love that jacket, but with skinny slacks not ripped denim.
Looks like I need to pick up tennis.
I want to be there!
Trenches for days.
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Friday, January 23, 2015

Cheers to the Weekend

I decided to start something new on HT and I want to know your thoughts! I adore This Is Glamorous and every weekend they do a post about things to look forward to that weekend. I tweaked it a little to make it mine and the first one is below, check it out and comment below if you like it {or dislike it} & cheers to your weekend-xoxo darling, Hayden.
One // To photoshoots downtown.
Two // To shopping with your best friends.
Three // To getting ahead on work.

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Articles I Am Reading

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Donahue Street

{Details: Sweater {vintage, similar here} // Necklace {H&M, similar} // 
Shorts {similar} // Shoes {similar} // Location: Ave Maria}
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