Two months is a long time. But it is also a short amount of time. You have time to become {basically} a local. But you leave behind things you wish you could have gotten to. You have this attatchement to a city that you aren't sure when you'll be back to. You know what they call to-go food & how to be a nice person on the public transportation. But you have a little empty space in your heart when you leave because of the phenomenal time you had and the amazing people you met. You are probably extremely excited to go home {because of your family, friends, BBQ, bagels & breakfast tacos}, but that means the end of something incredibly special.
So as I sit typing this out to y'all at Heathrow, I feel bittersweet. London has been so good to me. Arcadia University has been so good to me. My friends {shoutout to you Sierra, Natalie, Savannah, Isabella & Timmy} have been so nice to me. And every stranger I met has been great to me. I will always love London and it will always hold a special spot in my heart-xoxo darling, Hayden.
P.S. I was tasked with making a video of 1-second a
day for my program. This is my version {it doesn't include
every day because sometimes I forgot, but it is a
pretty good representation of my trip}.