looking for something?

Friday, May 31, 2013

Pinterest Love

Happy Friday! I am traveling to Tally for the regionals of the College World Series, cross your fingers for FSU! Here are some things I am loving on Pinterest right now~xoxo


The texture is amazing

Bright colors for summer.

Love old maps!

What a beautiful street



I don't think I can make mine do that...

Layering of bracelets is always fantastic 

Who doesn't need mint loafers? 


Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Little Shop, Little Shop of Horrors

I was asked to bake cupcakes for the cast party of Little Shop of Horrors, below are my creations. They are chocolate (from the box) cakes (to represent soil) with vanilla cake pops (from the box) made to look like plants.


Icing the Cupcakes

Green to represent grass/base of the plant

Vanilla cake baked to be cake pops

Add icing to crumbled cake and then...

make into ball/plant shapes

Before adding the lips and blood

Lips added

Bloddy messes added

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Computer Holiday

I have decided to take a computer holiday for 30 days (essentially a month). I think it will be fun to experience life without a computer & an iPhone. I will have my camera though. All the posts for the next month I came up with the week before I went on holiday and there will be no posts on Saturday's or Sunday's. Hope you guys like the ones I have scheduled! Also, please email me while I'm on holiday to let me know what posts you enjoy! Love--Hayden

Friday, May 24, 2013

Pinterest Love

Paris in the summer...

Love the top



Waves rolling in

My mouth is watering.

Love this.

Summer/Art Deco Nails

Summer Bangles



Thursday, May 23, 2013

Summer To-Do's

Below is a list of the things I would like to do this summer. Some are a little outlandish, others are achievable. We'll visit this post again right before school starts to see if I accomplished anything. Xoxo!

Sleep Under the Stars

Lawn Bowl

Experiment with Potato Chip Cupcakes

Visit art museum with friends and pose
 with the art like the art is posing. 

Take more bike rides

Go to free yoga

Cook more

Go to local markets

Visit the flea market

Have fun

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Mint Chocolate Cupcakes

Nothing says summer like mint chocolate chip ice cream. So to conclude my cupcakes of the school year I chose the summer favorite. When I hand these out over the next week everyone will begin to think about the idea that summer is only two weeks away. We all have incredible to-do lists that only teenagers would think of. It is my last summer of going into a state mandated school, I will be a senior in high school and I cannot believe it. So to start off the best summer yet, here is my way of making Mint Chocolate Cupcakes.

My brand new pans from William-Sonoma


Andes Mints

Chocolate Cake Mix

Icing: Butter, Cream, Salt, Food 
Coloring, Peppermint Extract

Adding powdered sugar gradually

Seem like last years spring? 

Chocolate Cupcakes

Final Product

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Monday, May 20, 2013

Quotes of the Week

Welcome to exam week! These quotes are inspiring me to be all that I can be...but mainly get passed these next four days. The rest of the weeks involve summer. I have a Summer To-Do List, mint chocolate chip cupcakes, and other posts coming your way. Have a great Monday + remember SUMMER IS HERE!!!

Friday, May 17, 2013

Pinterest Love

Love this old Bazaar cover

Givenchy you never cease to amaze.

How perfect for the summer?

Los Angeles

Red Velvet Cake

Love this table



Perfect for summer


This is me, this weekend.

Thursday, May 16, 2013


Things we do not even think about, but that say a lot about our personalities...the books we read, the ice cream we eat, and of course refrigerator magnets. Recently my family and I were looking at our fridge because we had bought new magnets and we decided to clean it off. There was so much clutter that we had forgotten about some of our coolest magnets. So below are my favorites. I would LOVE to see your magnets, and I might even put them on the blog, so email me your pictures and magnet stories here.

Tile from the Columbia resurgent in Sarasota, FL.

A souvenir from a trip to the 
Kennedy Library in Boston.

From a trip to Nashville, TN.

From San Francisco, CA.

Only in Florida would we have a wildlife hospital.

A pizzeria that has since closed, but was our favorite.
 P.S. those scribbles are from me circa age 3. 

Regulation #5: Alcatraz
Underground: Tube in London
Independence Hall: Philly
Footsloggers & Mast Store: Outdoor Outfitters in NC

Heinz Field in Pittsburg 

From an art show I was featured in.

My family has an obsession with pandas...

Gamble House, Pasadena, CA.

Colorful turtle that we 
have had forever. 

Adorable picture of my dad & I.

From my trip to Paris last year.

Conde Nast Savvy Travler

Newest additions: Mustache magnets! 

Bru Na Boinne- Outside Dublin

One of our favorite forts

This was absolutely amazing. 

A trip to the Truman 
Presidential library

Again with the Pandas...


I made this when I was in
 kindergarten, such an artist.

This was made in third grade.

Outside of Pittsburg

Last year's bowl game score ticket.

Little donkey from Mexico a friend brought back.

Hayden art circa age 4

Beefeater from London

Empire State Building

From a trip to Notre Dame

I loved letter magnets as a child...

This is amazing.

I am in love with these! 

Don't forget to submit your refrigerator magnets! Click here

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Mirror Mirror On the Wall

I use a mirror everyday, like most people. But I recently thought about how I am always looking for inspiration, so I decided to take my favorite quotes, put them on colorful post-its and then make a border. Below is my brand new "happy" mirror: 

I took the quotes from Pinterest

The start, love that quote & 
these photos from my prom.

I chose three colors of post-its 
and wrote all the quotes.

I took packing tape and put it down 
the whole length of the border. 

Final product

Monday, May 13, 2013

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Weekend Re-Cap

After giant exams like math, I have found it is amazing just to lie around and do nothing. I painted my nails with "Chubby Cheeks" by Essie, I saw the Great Gatsby (it was amazing!), and I watched baseball. Altogether it has been a calm weekend. Again, Happy Mother's Day!

The Great Gatsby ticket

Jazz Age jewelry for the premiere.

Outtake from a shoot this week

Happy Birthday flowers from 
co-workers of my Mama.

Happy Birthday/Mother's Day

Today is the most amazing woman in the world's birthday/her national holiday. She absolutely hates that the two sometimes fall on the same day, but it doesn't matter because it never changes how much I love her. She has always been there for me, and will continue to be. I love her so much, Happy Birthday/Mother's Day Mama.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

2am Finds

This 2am Finds post is all about the amazing jewelry in The Great Gatsby. I saw it last night, and I cannot stop thinking about it. It was amazing, thrilling, and so sad. I think Baz did a fantastic job of not overcomplicating the plot. But what amazed me the most were the set decorations and the beautiful costumes. I went on Tiffany & Co. website today and found their Jazz Age collection...needless to say, if someone has $200,000 and wants to buy me the headband (pictured below) I really would not mind.

The Great Gatsby Collection Savoy Headpiece

Art Deco Drop Earrings

Corsage Necklace

Deco Fan Bangle

The Great Gatsby Collection 
Yellow Diamond Daisy Broach

Ziegfeld Collection 
Ziegfeld Cuff Links

Friday, May 10, 2013

Pinterest Love

I feel absolutely amazing. I just finished by IB math exam and now I am done with math!!! This just means that my summer is so close! I want to go run a mile or scream from a roof top...I will not be doing any of these things, instead I have ACT tutoring, I am seeing the Great Gatsby and I am painting my nails salmon for summer. Here are some things making me really happy right now:

Ahhh Paris in the summer....

Summer parties

Grand Canyon National 
Park in the summer

I want to have beach 
picnics this summer!

How cute is this dress?

Mint, is it still the "it" color?

Love the color

Perfect bangle for summer.

AHHHH I need these!


I just can't. This is so adorable. 

Thursday, May 9, 2013

13 Random Facts About Me

So since I took an extremely hard IB exam today, and I have to take another one tomorrow, I decided I wanted to do something fun and light, so here are 13 Random Facts about Myself (with pictures!):

1. I was a food critic, look me up: The Petite Gourmet: The Littlest Blogger

2. I love doing whiteboard designs...like this one.

3. I met an Olympian, he won a bronze in fencing.

4. I was a Bobby...yes an English Cop...for Halloween one year.

5. I am an Irish dancer...no I do not do River Dance.

Can you guess which one is me? 

6. I went to a "smart" kids camp in North Carolina called Duke TIP. It was amazing.

7. I have been to Fort Stockton, Texas.

8. I was a Girl Scout.

9. I have been to Ireland.
10. I modeled art for charity.

11. For Homecoming one year my friends + I dressed as the Palin women.
12. I make a mean Panacotta.
13. I loved red socks in pre-school.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Finals Playlist

My finals start this week. I am dreading them totally and completely. I have two days of IB Math Studies, followed by APUSH next Wednesday, then the week of the 20th it is ITGS, Biology, TOK, + Spanish. It seems like a whirlwind process that I cannot wait to be over! I would like to get my summer started, I am going to both Austin and Wisconsin for college tours. It is time to be done being a junior and accept being a senior. Here is my favorite playlist for studying:

  • Bedroom Hymns- Florence + The Machine
  • You Can't Stop The Beat- Hairspray
  • Without Love- Hairspray
  • Good Morning Baltimore- Hairspray
  • Can't Hold Us -feat. Ray Dalton- Macklemore & Ryan Lewis
  • Love Is Blindness- Jack White
  • Come On Eileen- Dexys Midnight Run
  • I Love It- Icona Pop
  • Carry On- Fun
  • Some Nights- Fun
  • Feeling Good- Michael Buble
  • Neon Lights- Natasha Bedingfield
  • I'll Make a Man Out of You- Mulan
  • A Spoonful Of Sugar- Mary Poppins
  • I Just Can't Wait to Be King- Lion King
  • You Will Be in My Heart- Tarzan
  • Go the Distance- Aladin
  • Defying Gravity- Wicked
  • Bellas Finale- Pitch Perfect

P.S. Yes I do realize these are Disney + Broadway musicals, but they make me happy which makes me study better, so deal with it :) 

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Fashion Board

Somethings in my life are constants. Most are not, aka school, dance, fashion, outfits, and pretty much everything else. But my bulletin board is always full of magazine cutouts that I like to call my "outfit inspiration." In reality, I think I just like the ascetics more than getting ideas for my fashion. My last board was made right before school started and focused on navy for some reason. This end of the school year/summer board is focused on True Elegance. Enjoy! 

The "old" board I made for the school year.

Clean Slate! 

I put all of my magazine tear-outs in a pretty bag.

Then I pour it all out...

Turn on a happy-go-lucky playlist...

And start cutting! 

Some things I cut out are perfect, others are just squares.

I also hold onto cool tags and logos.

The main theme for my board is True Elegance & 
I love the Weekend Getaway font from a 
Brooks Brother's catalogue. 

I keep adding big images...

Then I fill in with smaller ones.

Done with the collage part...

I love my sparkle hearts from the Sweetheart Auction.

From the bottom

I put my long jewelry on 
push-pins along the bottom.

Louis Vuitton Corner

NY Time Calendar 

Purple Sharpie to cross off days on the calendar.

Lee is amazing.


The finished product.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Quotes of the Week

Happy Monday to all! I only have school for three days this week...but I am taking an IB math exam Thursday and Friday...so I'm not sure how that works out. Below are some quotes for inspiration with your week, wherever it might take you! 

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Tourism Rally

I had the joy of attending my local tourism rally yesterday. Tourism is so influential to local economies and the event was fantastic! Below are some personal shots from the event.

It was the VCB's 30th birthday; 
this is Lush Bakery's sculpture.

Leoma Lovegrove's Van

Cupcake Food-Truck 

Chocolate Lover

Black + White

Packing Competition between Hotels

iPad Mini Give-Aways

Colorful Giftbags 

Cheering on a raffle winner

Bed Making Competition

Leoma Lovegrove Center

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Tiramisu Cupcakes

When baking cupcakes this past weekend, I began to remember the first few batches I made freshman year. They were so difficult, and I felt like a beginner as I baked these frustrating cupcakes. They were yummy, but I will probably never bake them again due to the sheer difficulty I had. Here they are:

{What You Need: 
-Butter Cake (Here or use box cake mix)
-Cream Cheese Icing (8oz cream cheese, 
32oz powdered sugar, 1/2 stick of butter)
-Tiramisu Filling (8oz cream cheese, 
1 tbsp. coffee extract, 1/3 cup powdered sugar)}