looking for something?

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Texas Book Festival

This past weekend I went to the Texas Book Festival with Babs & Devi. We had an awesome time. "I would totally go back next year and next time I want to take a picnic to eat on the capitol grounds," said Devi. 
There were tons of book vendors, a Central Market food tent, and live music. Barbara bought four books for $20 and I made this wonderful list below of books I would like to get from the library over break. Have y'all read any of these? Or have you ever been to the festival? Let me know below-xoxo darling, Hayden.
His Majesty's Hope by Susan Elia MacNeal
Rules of Civility by Amor Towles
The Bookseller by Mark Pryor
The Invention of Exile by Vanessa Manko
Small Island by Andrea Levy
I Want to be Her by Andrea Linett
Blue Plate Special by Kate Christensen 
Belzhar by Meg Wolitzer
Catch 22 by Joseph Heller
Prep by Curtis Sittenfeld
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College Food


So surprise, surprise, this does not in fact have chicken in it. I was eating, wondering if it was all at the bottom, and low and behold it does not contain the yard bird. Now it was okay, because I was starving at that point and the "chicken rice" was sustenance. I am not sure if it a real chicken taste, but it was pretty good. There is not enough of this to make it a whole meal, I had to have two sides to make myself full, but it is an interesting thing if you are on the go. 

Wednesday, October 29, 2014


Chanel just came out with a new movie directed by Baz Luhrmann. It features Gisele Bundchen surfing, driving an old car, crying, and so much more. But mainly it is beautiful. Plus I am now obsessed with the song {see below}. Now that I have seen that I have done some serious research and am now a huge fan of Karl Lagerfeld's cinematography {there are only a few things I like about him}. All of the movies are wonderful, and I would highly suggest you take some time and watch them below. 
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Week Re-Cap

I had such an awesome week with some awesome people! On Thursday I attended Devi's family's Diwali celebration. I was able to help prepare some of the delicious food and then ate, possibly more than my weight, in Indian food. A special thanks goes out to the Jadejas for having me in their beautiful home and treating me to a special dinner {also, thank you for the onesie!}. Friday Devi and I redid our cork board and we had a movie night with Babs in which we watched Bend It Like Beckham a favorite of Devi and I's. Saturday was one of the best days I have had in a while, we all went to the Texas Book Festival {a post is coming later} and then Babs and I went to SoCo and looked around {posts coming later}. We had so much fun discovering new places to eat and it was very relaxing. Sunday I laid around, caught up on magazines I had fallen behind on and watched Chanel films {post coming later}. Other than that I have been drinking a lot of coffee and doing a lot of studying. Hopefully this weekend will be one for the books: Halloween parties, Franklin BBQ, UT football, and Longhorn Halloween. Let's do this-xoxo darling, Hayden.

Devi working on dessert for Diwali

Table setting for Diwali

Do you?!

The giant HEB shopping cart at the Texas Book Festival.

The amazing man behind Austin City Lemons.


I tried ice cream pie for the first time...and I cannot go back.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Explanation of My Bulletin Board Part 1

The gigantic bulletin board above my bed is explained-xoxo darling, Hayden.
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Craving: The Bagel Factory- I cannot explain how much I miss the bagels, the iced tea, and the people.
Watching: 16 Candles- We're having an 80s movie night!
Taking: Notes- Because I am in college...
Reading: The Daily Texan- Love my college newspaper!

Monday, October 27, 2014

Quotes of the Week

Happy Monday Y'all! I have a relatively busy week, starting today with a trip to HEB and ending with a test on Halloween. What are you guys up to? -xoxo darling, Hayden

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Saturday Inspiration

Ahhh, it is the weekend. I am very excited this morning to have a pretty full schedule. The roomie and I are headed out to grab some breakfast at One Twenty 5 Cafe. Then the BFFL is joining for the Texas Book Festival. We might be headed to SoCo as well. Plus Texas is taking on Kansas State {Beat Grandpa Bill!}. Tomorrow is sleeping in and working on District. What are you up to this weekend? -xoxo darling, Hayden

I'm not typically a floral person, but this is super cute!

Longchamp, Black Dog, & Hunters?! Yes please!

I want these balloons for HT's next birthday!

I love this print, and I love this cut!

So pretty!

The subway tiles in this pantry are perfection.

That Palm Beach lifestyle.

Love these watercolors!

Friday, October 24, 2014

Articles I Am Reading

  1. I want to go back to Paris...it has been too long. I am seriously craving a Fauchon chocolate croissant & seeing the Eiffel Tower from everywhere & all of the cute Parisians...I need to go back... Top 20 Free Attractions in Paris...Lonely Planet
  2. So true...I think I am a Texan now that I have lived here for a little over a month...21 Things You Should Never Assume About Texans...Buzz Feed
  3. I ate at the Mark Hopkins when I was little, it was Christmas and they had a GIGANTIC gingerbread house & everyone was having tea, it was so cute & I loved it...10 Best Penthouse Restaurants in the U.S...Huffington Post
  4. I have seen some of these, The Witches is one of my all time favorites! But I have never seen the first one, must work on that...10 Of The Best Witch Movies Ever Made...Buzz Feed
  5. I have a small obsession with grilled cheese, so needless to say, I will be trying these...Grilled Cheese Sandwiches Recipe...Bon Appetit
  6. I LOVE THAT BAG...Rainbow Accessories...Harper's Bazaar

Thursday, October 23, 2014


If you have not seen this video, then clearly you have not been stalking someone on Facebook. It has gone viral and I think it is so funny. It gets the message across in one of the best manners possible, humor. Devi & I want to buy the t-shirts because we are all about the cause. Check it out here, it talks about super important feminist facts-xoxo darling, Hayden.
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College Food


As I was making this, my mouth was watering {and so was Devi's}. It smelled so good! The sauce is a little strange looking and a little sweet for my taste, but if you mix up the vegetables, rice, and chicken it turns out pretty yummy. The vegetables were relatively fresh, the rice was a little dry, but it was good! I actually enjoyed this a lot more than I thought I would, however, make sure you bring a snack after you eat this because in about 1.5/2 hours you will be hungry again.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

101 in 1001 Update

Hi everyone! So I have been slowly, but surely, working on accomplishing various goals from my 101 in 1001 list. I felt like it was necessary to update you guys on how the process is going and see if you guys have made your own 101 in 1001 list? It has seriously been awesome getting to cross new items off of the list and I feel a sense of accomplishment. Check them out below-xoxo darling, Hayden.
No. 2: Read at least forty new books total.
This is a little slow going. I was hoping I would have about half of this done, but reading for fun in college is DIFFICULT. My dad sends me the book reviews out of the USA Today and I want to read so many, but I never have the time to just sit down and read a book. I am looking forward to wearing out my library card during winter break. I have read 7/40. I would highly suggest The Black Sun if you like mysteries, How To Teach Filthy Rich Girls if you like Lilly Pulitzer, and The Beekeepers Apprentice if you like Sherlock Holmes.
No. 4: Find an exercise buddy at UT.
Barbara, Devi, and Cambria have each helped me reach this goal. I now go to the gym a little sporadically but much more than I did when I lived in FL {as in lots more because I never went at home}.

No. 9: Guest blog for at least 10 people. 
I have discovered I really enjoy guest blogging. I feel like I put on a different hat than when I write for HT. I have done one guest blog here thus far.
No. 11: Launch a YouTube channel for Haute Table.
Did this the other day! I already have three videos up and I am looking for suggestions on more! Let me know, because I will do something really lame if no one gives me a good idea.

No. 16: Try 10 new restaurants in Austin.
I thought this would take a lot longer than it did...I did this in around 2 and a 1/2 months which might be bad for my wallet. But I love all of these restaurants and I want to keep trying new ones! 
The Shady Grove, Gourdough's Specialty Doughnuts, Magnolia Cafe, Kerbey Lane Cafe, Amy's Ice Cream, Torchy's Tacos, Teji's, Austin's Pizza, Home Slice, Iron Cactus

No. 20: Visit all four museums at UT.
Devi & I went to the Blanton a little while ago and we loved it! I am working on determining when I can get to the other three before we break for winter.

No. 21: Study in all fifteen libraries at UT.
One fifteenth of this goal has been completed, and I realize I am becoming complacent in that I always go to the Life Science library in the Tower, but I love it so much. However, I will be trying new ones soon...I promise.

No. 25: Travel to a new state.
Back in July I was able to travel to Wyoming. It was awesome! It was so pretty and everyone was extremely nice. The University of Wyoming was gorgeous and the capital town of Cheyenne is adorable. If you have never considered going to Wyoming, think again and consider it. I think you would love it.

No. 32: Clean out wardrobe at least twice.
Right before college I did half of this, and let me tell you, it was liberating. I realized how many wardrobe pieces I had kept simply because I did not think it was appropriate to get rid of them. Now that I have less clothes I have learned how to change up my outfits with clothes I have owned for a while. I could wear the same shirt for seven days now, but each outfit would be different from the last. 

No. 40: Rush a sorority. 
Oh my, well I did this. And as y'all have probably guessed it did not go well. I went through the first two days in which we visited each house for around 20 minutes, I met tons of girls, my ears were ringing for about a week after, and I made a few friends. Then the next morning when I got my slip, I had only been asked back to two houses {out of 14}, one I really liked and one I did not like. So I got dressed up and went to their philanthropy days, and I had a nice time. When I went to get my slip the next day, the one I liked dropped me, the one I didn't like kept me, and that was when I decided to drop out of rush. I feel like I should be able to say "it was such a great experience" but I do not want to lie to y'all and say I was perfectly content with dropping out. I have never quit anything in my life and being rejected by that many people hurt, it still hurts when I see all of them on campus wearing their house gear. But I think I am better off not being in a sorority and after rushing I was informed that it is very difficult for out-of-state people to make it in here at UT, so if you are not from Texas, coming to UT, and wanting to rush, you should still do it, but be prepared to be slightly discriminated against. I would suggest rushing to anyone who has ever considered being in a sorority because it is an experience like no other and who knows you might find your soul sisters, or you might realize your soul sisters do not wear matching outfits and live in a big house. Whichever way you go will be best for you.
No. 43: Get a massage.
Let me tell you, I want to accomplish this goal over and over again. I had my first ever massage a few months back at the Broadmoor Spa and I feel like I can never go back to my pre-massage mind set. It was AMAZING. I felt so relaxed and content with life, honestly I wanted to fall asleep on the table, but I held it together. So if any of y'all know any good places to get a massage in Austin, let me know.

No. 47: See five Audrey Hepburn films.
I have seen one out of five AH movies. I was really excited when I realized Charade was on Netflix, and it is now one of my favorite movies. I had never seen AH in a mystery film and she was amazing!
No. 52: Try at least three new food trucks.
1/3 of this was accomplished when I ate at Gourdough's Donuts.

No. 59: Send a birthday card to at least five people.
I have finished 1/5 of this goal. I sent a fun birthday card {that I made on the computer} to the lovely Katie Meckley for her birthday in October.
No. 63: Play tennis at least three times.
I have completed 1/3 of this goal while at Camp Texas. I played with my great friend Jessica and I must say I was not as bad as I thought I would be.
No. 72: Join 3+ clubs at UT.
I have joined Longhorn Life {you can see my first article here}, in which I write various lifestyles stories; anything from travel to fashion. I also am a photographer for the Cactus Yearbook and a member of the University Fashion Group. I love each of these clubs and I have so much fun participating. I recently started my own spirit group as well and we are thrilled to be getting started.
No. 77: Get lost in a new city.
So I went to HEB the other day, which is a totally normal occurrence. But then something bad happened. I was very distracted by my journalism book {I had a test two days from then} and I got on the wrong bus. While on that bus there was almost a riot between some of the patrons and the bus driver. I got off as soon as I realized I was not headed back to campus but then immediately got on another bus, forgetting that I needed to go southbound not northbound. So I got off that bus and crossed the street. Because of my detour I saw a part of Austin I had never seen before and discovered a cute breakfast place I want to try soon {plus now I know how to get there via bus}.

Week Re-Cap

Happy Wednesday! I have had a pretty good week, we stayed in most of the weekend except for a trip to Pluckers, a donut stop at Gourdough's, and a football game. We won, it was insane & Matthew was there! How was your week? -xoxo darling, Hayden
 My parents sent me Tiff's Treats when I was up late studying.
Our new name tags!
Thursday & Friday night the Tower was lit
Matthew was at our game...we won...and the tower was lit a third time.
 Barbara and I had some relish donuts Sunday night.
 And the Tower was lit for the fourth time in a row!
We had our first Ladybirds meet and greet!
Devi & I made Mozer yesterday
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Tuesday, October 21, 2014

What's In My Backpack + YouTube Channel

Some very exciting news!!! We have just launched our YouTube channel! Check out my first video about what all is in my backpack-xoxo darling, Hayden.
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Playlist No. 29

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Saturday Inspiration


Those shorts are so cute!

Those chairs...

I adore Summer Wind's blog.

Future apartment fridge

So cute & preppy!

I think wedges are still acceptable in Texas...

Love the mixing of jean!

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Purple Peacin'

Sweater: Forever 21 {Similar}
Scarf: Purchased Abroad
Jeans: American Eagle {Similar}
Boots: dELiA*s 
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Cake Box Cookie Sandwiches

Back when we made Barbara's cake we had leftover eggs and Devi & I decided those should not go to waste. This is where the Cake Box Cookies come into play. And because we did not just want to make boring cookies, we decided they needed to be sandwiches. Check out the recipe and photos below-xoxo darling, Hayden.
Recipe {here}:
-Box of Funfetti {or any other cake mix}
-2 Eggs
-1/3 cup oil
-Strawberry {or any other kind} frosting
  1. Heat oven to 375; combine cake mix, eggs, and oil in a bowl and mix until combined. Shape dough into 1-inch balls; place them 2-inches apart. 
  2. Bake for 6-8 minutes, until golden brown. Cool for one minute.
  3. Spread frosting in between two cookies, and enjoy! 
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Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Czech Stop

If you are ever on the road between Austin and Dallas {or reverse} you must stop at the Czech Stop. It is in a gas station and you would not really know about it unless someone told you. They have a room length pastry case full of delicious treats. Kolaches are my personal favorite because they are SUPER popular in Texas {for some odd reason}. The last time I stopped I had the cream cheese chocolate chip Kolache and it was wonderful. My companion had the cinnamon roll and loved it. My other companion had a pecan cinnamon twist "yum" were her words. 
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Week Re-Cap

It has been a crazy week {do I say this every week? I feel like I do...}! I attempted to go to a Wendy Davis rally, I went to Dallas, I ate so much fried food I went into a small food coma, I had a picnic, I photographed Devi for HT, I read a whole book for one of my classes in less than 24 hours {I have a test tomorrow}, I went to my Fashion Group meeting, and I feel like there is a whole lot more I am leaving out! It was a good week, but...
Recently, Devi & I discussed how we are not as adventurous as we used to be. Now that may be because Devi discovered New Girl & Netflix added all episodes of Gilmore Girls which I am obsessed with, or it may be because we are becoming complacent...
SO, we are going to change that! We are working on coming up with new things do to and we are going to go on new adventures. The roommate bucket list is back on top priority! 
What do y'all think about this? -xoxo darling, Hayden

 After waiting in line for Wendy...she did not come, but we were in the front row!

Weekend Getaway Tote

I was so happy to see my parents!

Dallas' buildings were all lit up for the game!

Our hotel had Longhorn cookies

When I got back on Sunday, Devi & I had a picnic in front of the Blanton Museum of Art.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Texas State Fair

As you saw yesterday, I attended the Red River Rivalry game on Saturday, and with that came a ticket to the Texas State Fair. My parents and I had a fabulous time! We walked a lot, ate a lot, and rode some awesome rides. I would highly suggest everyone experience the Fair because Texas just does it bigger. Below are a few shots-xoxo darling, Hayden.
Mama & I with Big Tex
Fun fact about Big Tex, he talks and recently they 
changed his voice & the people of Texas flipped out.
Delicious fried chicken fingers with a white gravy sauce & one of the greatest yeast rolls this girl has ever consumed.
Food on a stick is always fun...this little fried invention was 
"Milk and Cookies" it tasted a lot like marshmallows 
and not a whole lot like anything...
My personal favorite & the 3rd place winner in the food competition: The Texas Bluebonnet. It was amazing, just like a Krispy Kreme with whipped cream on top!
My dad decided to try a Fried S'more Poptart...and it was better
 than I thought it would be. I am not a fan of
 Poptarts and I was pleasantly surprised. 
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