looking for something?

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Saturday Inspiration

Possibly need to make this for my apartment...
I want to go there!
Love a good tiny monogram.
I just need to own one thing with scallops on it.
Seems like a perfect party.
Them flats though...
Whale, you know.
So cute!
Seriously need some Bean Boots.
Getting ready for big/little week!
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Thursday, May 28, 2015

The Food Diaries: Sugar Mama's Bakeshop

Hannah and I love food, it is probably why we are such besties. We went out a few weeks ago and then we wanted to go somewhere for dessert. We were thinking of going to a gelato place on South 1st but then we scrolled up and saw Sugar Mama's Bakeshop {a Cupcake Wars winner}...so did we waste our time with gelato? NO! We went to the bakery!

First of all, it is adorable inside.

They have all different delicious treats including cupcakes, cakes, brownies, and macarons.

Of course I had to try a cupcake--"Mama Loves You" which was Lavender Chocolate and was fabulous. The chocolate was moist and the icing was creamy and you could taste the lavender which complimented the chocolate to perfection.

That is a face of extreme happiness {notice my iPhone camera open on the left, always photographing food}.

Then...Hannah and I saw this "s'mores bar" in the window and decided it was a necessity. I couldn't finish all of my treats so I ate a few bites and then took the rest home and had it the next morning for breakfast. Let me just say, it was mouthwatering. It was fabulous. And if you go there, you must get one of these bad boys.

Hannah had a--Southern Belle--red velvet cupcake and a lemon bar. I tried her lemon bar and it was FABULOUS. The lemon was extremely tart {the way I like it} and the bottom was a delicious crumbly sugar cookie. Hannah said, "Oh my! It was cute and had too many delicious options to choose from. My red velvet cupcake was absolutely delicious. The cream cheese icing was thick and creamy. And the red velvet cake was super moist and delicious. The lemon bar had a thick and delicious sugar cookie crust with a scrumptious layer of lemon goodness!"


Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Week Re-Cap

It has been a wonderful week of being home! I got a hair cut, ate a lot of delicious food, and I am starting to hang out with all of my old friends again {yay for lunching!}. The rest of this week may hold some surprises, so stay up-to-date on social media with me {Facebook, Twitter, Instagram} and let me know in the comments what y'all have been up to this last week of May-xoxo darling, Hayden!
 FINALLY got my hair cut!
Did some yard work {which I seriously love} on Thursday.
Lunching @ The Golden Fork.
Caught a minor league game {but mainly was there for fireworks}.
 "Let's take a selfie with the fireworks in the background!"
 Got some Orange Creamsicle @ Love Boat.
Lauryn came down to Tampa so of course I had to go visit! 
And of course we took her to The Columbia.
 And then I finally got to try Oxford Exchange {post coming soon}!
 And we played two very competitive games of chess {Lauryn won both}.
My dad and I read about Choco Tacos so we decided it 
was a must to track them down...they were pretty delicious.
For Memorial Day my fam tried a new banana pudding recipe
My grandmama & I grabbed lunch @ Gramma Dot's on 
Sanibel--the grouper sandwich was phenomenal!
Then we headed down to Pinnochio's for some pretty fantastic ice cream, I had mango.
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Tuesday, May 26, 2015

My Kind of Sunday

My ideal Sunday: a bagel from The Bagel Factory, coffee from somewhere delicious, my then favorite nail polish, and a gigantic pile of magazines. What is yours? -xoxo darling, Hayden
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Saturday, May 23, 2015

Saturday Inspiration

This would look cute in my apartment.

Take me there!

Slaying in gingam.

So pretty and perfect for the Fourth of July!


Love the grass-tiles.

Currently Obsessed With: Subway tile

Scallops + Flowers? YAAS.

One of my favorite animals.

Cute travel outfit

I love the color and I want an occasion to wear this to.

Friday, May 22, 2015

Articles I Am Reading

22 Under 22

As y'all probably know, I am a member of the Her Campus Blogger Network {I even work as a moderator & beta tester}. HC has launched an amazing search for 22 women under 22 who are the most inspiring college women. If you think you are an ambitious, talented, and big-thinking woman {and you're obviously a Haute Table girl so of course you are} I would highly encourage you to apply! 

The nomination and entry period run through May 31st so you still have time to get your application! You can nominate yourself or someone else you know that is just as amazing. 
Then a panel of judges will review finalists during the summer & the list will be announced in September! These fabulous women will be recognized on Her Campus.
This post is brought to you by Her Campus Media.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

The Food Diaries: Elizabeth Street Cafe

In case you could not tell from my Instagram, brunching has become a serious past time of mine {especially with my brunching buddy, Hannah}. Anyways, Elizabeth Street Cafe had fascinated me for a while because, well I mean look at it, it's so cute! However, I was a little concerned about "bang mi" because I had never 1) heard of such a thing 2) tried anything like that {I know, I am clearly not very adventurous!}. But I saw they had a breakfast menu so Hannah & I trekked over to South 1st Street to check it out.

When we got there the patio was full of people {I am jealous of them} so we sat inside {which turned out to be adorable}. 

I was seriously loving the colorful menu as it went perfectly with my Lilly case.

And GINGAM! I mean it is like the place knew me.

Can we talk about the font?

Elizabeth Street is in an old {or is it new?} house and it feels incredibly welcoming when you are seated in the turquoise chairs.

The water came in these adorable glasses, and they had matching pitchers!

This cafe au lait was honestly the best I have had in Austin.

Hannah had the House Baked Brioche French Toast. "My French toast was amazing. It was cooked to perfection and had a delicious sauce/glaze over it. The bread was thick and delicious. And the ice cream on top made it even better! Overall a really good meal!!"

Meanwhile I tried the Breakfast Banh Mi {I know I tried it!!!} with scrambled farm eggs and ginger pork sausage. It was mouthwateringly delicious. The bread itself was phenomenal and the ginger sausage lit my still asleep pallet up. I was seriously impressed {and very full} upon completion of the breakfast sandwich. I am looking forward to going back and trying more on their menu aside from the breakfast foods.


Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Week Re-Cap

My week started off picture heavy but it has tapered off...sorry. We finished painting my new apartment {I AM SO EXCITED TO DECORATE WITH YALL} and I flew home {so happy to be back in the sunshine state}. It has been nice to relax, eat good food, and be with my family. How was y'all's week? -xoxo darling, Hayden
 My apartment is coming along!
 I just thought this was too funny.
 Ikea furniture for the win.
 *no make up* Selfie
Moooved out of Jester West.
The sky + the water was just too beautiful not to snap a photo.
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Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Last Meeting

This is a really late post, but I just love these photos from my spirit group's last meeting-xoxo darling, Hayden.
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