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Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Austin To Do Update

It has been a journey this semester of checking things of my Austin To Do list. I feel like I haven't done anything but I have crossed a total of 18 places off {14 restaurants, 1 coffee shop, and 6 things to do}. I've also added a few new places I am dying to try. Below I am talking about the things I have done and the things I am looking forward to!
Hyde Park Bar & Grill -- go for breakfast, you won't regret it.
Biscuits & Groovy -- as a biscuit snob, these were only okay to me, but the best friend liked it!
Olamaie -- get the biscuts. See if you can literally just take out order the biscuits. They say they make southern food but they overcomplicated every dish I ordered. But those biscuts...dang.
Halcyon -- this is such a fun place. I went on a Sunday evening and it wasn't too crazy. Get the s'mores and people watch.
Snooze -- is overpriced. The pancakes are really good and you can customize them {I had Reeses} but they are too expensive for breakfast food. Try it once and then go somewhere cheaper or make your own at home.
Irene's -- the atmosphere is awesome and you feel like you are part of the who's who when you eat there. The food is pretty good too.

No Va Kitchen & Bar -- the breakfast is really good but a little expensive. Sit outside upstairs, it's real nice.
Hut's Burgers -- this one impressed me so much. It also feels like it should be in a college town, which is something you never really see in Austin {and is something I wish we had more of}. The burgers are also A+.
Salty Sow -- after making Botanic I was so sick of "sustainable" restaurants but this one was probably my favorite. Out of the four dishes I had, three were amazing. I would recommend this one highly.
Nau's Enfield Drug -- the best friend and I fell in love with this one. They have delicious malts and their grilled cheese is classic.
Lick -- the best friend hated Lick until we went this semester. As long as you stick to pretty classic flavors and understand it is going to cost you a lot you will like it.
Easy Tiger -- the baked goods at this place are perfect. Go during a weekday in the morning or afternoon.
Launderette -- go just for the birthday cake ice cream sandwiches and you won't regret it.
Sway -- I ended up here accidentally this past Saturday {everything else had a huge wait list} and oh my goodness am I glad I came. The food was absolutely magical -- 10/10 would recommend.
Coffee Shops:
Cuvee Coffee -- my friend swore by this place so I finally let her take me and I was not disapointed. The coffee is super smooth and it gave me the perfect kick to start a busy day.
Things to Do:
Bob Bullock Museum -- if you have ever wanted to know anything about Texas please visit this museum. It is wonderful and the gift shop is a beautiful place.
Sculpture Garden -- they do free days in the summer and I would highly suggest going then. It is a nice place to spend an hour looking at all the sculptures but then you'll be ready to get ice cream.
Wimberley Blue Hole -- the bestie and I loved this place! It is beautiful and the restrooms are kept so clean! Grab froyo in Wimberley's downtown after to cool off.
Float a River -- this was something everyone in Texas told me I had to do, so I did it, and it was really nice.
Congress Ave Bats -- don't do it. Period.
Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center -- It felt so good to finally visit Lady Bird's center. The place is beautiful even in winter and it makes you feel all the feels.
Looking Forward To:
The Factory
Flower Child
Rainey Street
Jo's Coffee


Hyde Park Bar & Grill
Curra’s Grill
Cafe No Se

Biscuts & Groovy

Hill’s Cafe

Fonda San Miguel

East Side King

Valentina’s Tex Mex BBQ


Veracruz All Natural
Casino El Camino
El Patio
Noble Sandwich Co.
Fork & Taco
The Peached Tortilla
Top Notch
Ms. P’s Electric Cock
Salvation Pizza
Bouldin Creek Cafe
Central Market
Kitty Cohen’s
Modern Market
No Va Kitchen & Bar
Graceland Grocery
L’Estelle House
Emmer & Rye
Hut’s Burgers
Soup Peddler
Salty Sow
La Condesa
La Barbecue
Nau's Enfield Drug
Josephine House
Nutty Brown Cafe
Dirty Martin’s
Hoffbrau Steak
Freddie’s Place
Joe’s Bakery
Easy Tiger
Sweet n’ Cheesy
Tommy Want Wingy
Stephen F. Frostin’ -- Only open on Sundays
Churro Co.
Dai Due Supper Club
Jacoby's Restaurant & Mercantile
Micklethwait Craft Meats
Hay Elotes
Gelateria Gemelli
Burro Cheese
Flower Child
Nuha's Sinful Desserts
Old Thousand
L'Orca D'oro
The Factory

Coffee Shops:

Cuvee Coffee
Fleet Coffee Co.
Radio Coffee
Sa-Ten Coffee and Eats
Seventh Flag Coffee
Jo’s Coffee
Epoch Coffee
Manana Coffee & Juice

Things to Do:
Bob Bullock Museum
Cathedral of Junk
Contemporary Austin
Green Belt
Sculpture Garden
Deep Eddy Pool
Hamilton Pool
Wimberley Blue Hole
Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center
Esther’s Follies
Rainey Street
Cactus Cafe
Broken Spoke
Float a River
Congress Ave Bats
Karaoke Underground
Longhorn Caverns

Monday, January 30, 2017

Quotes of the Week

Feeling very sleepy this morning but I have been obsessing over the show Good Girls Revolt on Amazon Prime! Y'all must check it out! -xoxo darling, Hayden

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Week Re-Cap

It has been a weird week. Not so much the end of last week but more the beginning of this one. I had a super fun weekend full of catching up with a lot of my friends {and sisters} and I am looking forward to doing the same this weekend! What are y'all up to? I'm in need of coffee but coffee isn't tasting good currently so if y'all have any recomendations let me know-xoxo darling, Hayden.

 Loving the view from my desk! 

 I've completed a full week! 

 In love with my Mast Store mug

Some shots from a fun Friday night!  

 Saturday I participated in the Women's March on Austin 
and it was one of the best decisions I could have made. 


 Sunday we went to the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center for a fun afternoon.

 We also took our headshots for our website.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Pink Falls

Location: Elk River Falls, Linville Falls, Banner Elk, NC
{I'm wearing: an old Vineyard Vines sweater pullover 
and a Banner '47 Texas hat}

Monday, January 23, 2017

Quotes of the Week

I hope y'all had a wonderful weekend! I participated in the Women's March and it was fabulous. That's why the first quote today is about girl power. This week will be a little hectic {but so worth it}. What are y'all up to? -xoxo darling, Hayden

All images are found on my Pinterest board.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Grey Elk Knob

Location: Elk Knob State Park, NC

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Week Re-Cap

It's the first week of the spring semester and I am already jam packed with stuff! I will admit that some of these photos are from a little over a week ago because last week I got the worst stomach bug and was out for a few days. But now I am back and ready to conquer this semester! I started my internship yesterday (!!!) and I have my full day of classes today. What are y'all up to?  -xoxo darling, Hayden

 I was able to attend the premiere of "The Bowden Dynasty."

 Saturday night the Screaming Orphans held a benefit concert.

 I re-arranged my shelf in order to put Hannah's amazing Christmas gift up! 

 My mom came back to Austin with me {for about 24 hours} 
and we finally got to Launderette! 

 Being perfectly honest...this straw made its way into my bag.

The burger is delicious! 

But the best thing of all time is the birthday ice cream sandwich {via}.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Moses Cone

Location: Moses Cone Memorial Park, NC

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Plaid Barn

Location: Seven Devils, NC

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Week Re-Cap

What a week! The best friend flew in for a few days on Sanibel (and we had a phenomenal time, all the photos are below). Then I attended a play on Friday night (which was the first one in a long time that I didn't like), and visited an art show by the always lovely Leoma Lovegrove. We also did some upcoming shoots for the blog that I'm really excited to show y'all. What's up in your life? -xoxo darling, Hayden

Loved getting the Times every morning at Sanibel Inn
{sunglasses I bought on sale at Old Navy and now they are sold out, you can find similar}! 

Loved the burnt orange stripe towels at Sanibel Inn. 
The hat is from Altar'd State {similar}, sunglasses Old Navy {similar
and the shirt is Lands' End {similar}.

Loving the sunset out on Captiva by Tween Waters Inn
My shirt is ancient, from Lands' End {similar}. 
Hannah's Wearing: Sunglasses {similar}, Shirt {similar}

Did y'all catch my 2017 Resolutions? {sunglasses} {via}

Beachin' it up! 
Wearing: Shirt {similar}, Sunglasses {similar}, Hat {similar}
Hannah's Wearing: Swim Suit, Sunglasses {similar}, Shirt {similar}

Hannah & I are obsessed with pool floats so we grabbed 
this donut one and went crazy. {via}
Wearing: Bathing Suit, Suglasses {similar}, Pool Float

The Island Cow is one of my all time favorite 
places to grab a bite on Sanibel...H and I went twice in three days! 

Pinocchio's Ice Cream is hands down the best ice cream on Sanibel 
{and Captiva too}! Try the Dirty Sand Dollar, you won't regret it! 

The Bubble Room is a Captiva classic, take some bubbles
take a photo before you get some cake to-go! {via}
Wearing: Shirt {similar}, Shorts, Sunglasses {similar

Wearing: Shirt {similar}, Sunglasses {similar}
Hannah's Wearing: Sunglasses {similar}, Shirt {similar}

Wearing: Shirt {similar}, Sunlgasses {similar}
Hannah's Wearing: Shirt {similar}

Our last day at the Sanibel Inn

Leaving Sanibel was sad but the view was gorgeous.

In case you missed it on Insta
Wearing: Bathing Suit, Sunglasses {similar}, Pool Float

Hannah's favorite place in Fort Myers is Sun Harvest Citrus
It's an absolute must if you like Creamsicle ice cream! 
Wearing: Hat, Sandals
Hannah's Wearing: Shirt {similar}, Pants {similar}, Shoes

Such a beautiful sunset! 

Loved seeing Leoma Lovegrove's show downtown! 
Wearing: Dress {similar}

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Maroon Blowing Rock


Location: Blowing Rock, NC & Cascades Park, Blue Ridge Parkway
{I'm wearing: an old Eddie Bauer hunting jacket, an ancient Old Navy shirt, 
and a scarf my mom brought back from England. But the items pictured 
above are the closest & probably better!}

Thursday, January 5, 2017

North Carolina Holiday Vlog

Instead of taking a TON of photos of North Carolina I decided to make a little Vlog of our trip! Check it out below and if you have any questions about the beautiful places in it, don't hesitate to email me-xoxo darling, Hayden!

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Resolutions // 2017

Every year I make resolutions on the blog, so here we go again! Let's take 2017 by the horns and make it a good one-xoxo darling, Hayden. 
1. Organize 
In 2016, toward the end of the year I had thousands of unopened emails sitting in my inbox. I finally went through them the other day and no longer have any unopened emails but I still have to sit down and go through thousands of emails I just never deleted. This has got to stop. I also realized that while I remain organized in some aspects of my life, I'm not in others. This year I am trying to make a concentrated effort of keeping my apartment organized as well as emails, my desktop, kind of everything.
So here's to organizing my life in a non-crazy way. 
2. Activity 
The best friend graduated in December and upon some serious reflection I realized I have been kind of using her as a "crutch." Not that I do not love hanging out with her and wish I could continue to do that in the spring, but I haven't been making new friends or meeting new people because I would just hangout with her. So this year I am challenging myself to, instead of heading back to my apartment when I'm done with class, to go to some new libraries. Hangout in new buildings and...the scariest of them all...talk to new people during the first few weeks of class. 
So here's to being more active in my school community. 
3. Effort 
This one has a lot of words that can describe it, but it basically boils down to I want to put extreme effort into all of my life. Some would say "hustle" but I hate that word. I have gotten very complacent with where I am, in school, organizatons, my wardrobe, etc. and I think that needs to stop. So I am challenging myself (and it's going to be rough) to get up and actually put on an outfit (not just my usual leggings and huge shirt + sneakers), to work harder on my journalistic works because they have been falling behind, and spend more hours in the library (or Starbs because I hate our main library). But the other portion of this is (and it ties in with organization) is I want to keep everything seperate. I want to be able to completely focus on the task at hand not a million other tasks I need to complete. I live a pretty hectic life but I want to be able to sit down and just work on my classwork or HT or my dirty dishes. I honestly think this will be the hardest one but we shall see!
So here's to putting more effort and focus into everything. 
4. Motto 
I was scrolling through Pinterest on Sunday and a quote kept sticking with me, "If not now, then when." I'm a sucker for quotes but usually I think stuff like that is kind of for Pinterest but not for real life. But as I said, it stuck with me, and it got me thinking. I have a little over a year left of college. Gosh, that is terrifying to say. I love college. I don't want to have to deal with everything that comes with graduating but soon I will have to. So my new motto for resolutions and for the entirety of 2017 is ,"If not now, then when." Because I need to try all of the restaurants in Ausitn, I need to get out there and meet new people, I need to go on adventures, and I need to do fun things because after I graduate, who knows what will happen! 
So here's to sticking to our 2017 mottos.

Cheers y'all.

Monday, January 2, 2017

Quotes of the Week

IT'S 2017! We finally made it through 2016 and here we are! The adventure into this brand new year is here and I am super excited to see what this year brings! The bestie is flying in today for some much needed days laying in the sun by the pool and the Gulf. What are y'all up to? -xoxo darling, Hayden

All photos are from my Pinterest board.