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Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Week Re-Cap

How many times can I call my week a "whirlwind" before y'all get annoyed? But truly that is the word to describe my entire September...and probably my October. In this week's re-cap you're going to see a lot of Hannah b/c she is my best friend and we go late night Target shopping together. Also because one of my orgs {Comm Council} had our Lake Clean Up event on Friday {where I finally got the s'more I had been craving}. Saturday brought another disappointing Texas loss {but I'm coping} and with Sunday came my latest invention-- the "me day" which I will explain in a forthcoming blog post. Today I have a government test but I should do alright. I am trying not to stress myself out as much in the coming month of October because believe or not I started losing my hair when I got back to school. So let's hope I can stay relatively mellow. The first step to recovery is admitting/acceptance right? We'll see. I hope y'all are having a fabulous week & I will be trying to do better on the blog this coming month. I feel like I haven't been reaching out to you guys enough and I haven't been putting a lot of thought into HT, just scheduling posts. So right now I solemnly swear...that I am up to no good...and that I will be making HT a priority this month-xoxo darling, Hayden.

Hannah & I had way to much fun in the Star Wars toy 
section at Target on Thursday night.

We didn't have hammers for our tents...

Lake Clean-Up was a blast.

 Ugh a good s'more is so hard to come by these days y'all.

I seriously love my little...also I was talking when this was taken so that's 
why my mouth looks so strange.

I am super squinty but I love this family.

Rainbow fire...ooo...ahh.

Grabbed a pre-game brunch @ Texas French Bread with some of my LB sisters {via}.

#6 was dancing when I snapped this photo. 

Babs & Devi used the "come early" rule & 
caught me on the field.

A much needed "me day" on Sunday. 

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Apartment Reveal!

So if y'all have been following along on Insta &/or Snapchat {hayden213} you will have seen some sneak peeks of my apartment! Well today is the big reveal {eek!}. My fam was absolutely amazing and spend a good two {separate} weeks creating the atmosphere you see in the photos below. I am in love with it. I would also like to thank Ikea for always having classic furniture, Mission Reastuarant Supply for the bar stools {they even delivered them!}, and my parents. If you have any questions about the apartment {where I got stuff, etc.} email me here! What does your apartment/dorm look like? Let me know in the comments-xoxo darling, Hayden.

Living Room: Come & Take It from Etsy, DIYed burlap triangles

Feat. my Babushkas!

That's the Queen...and a sheep.

Feat. Target pillow

My attempt at #CoffeeTableStyling

Eek! Gallery wall!

Ikea bench with baskets from TJ Maxx.

Used tea tins & my Lilly for Target vase to style 
the tops of the cabinets. 

Shelf in my bedroom

Kind of love how this DIY turned out!

Love my subway tile bathroom! 

Because are you preppy if you don't have Lacoste hand towels?

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Saturday Inspiration

Cute popsicle colors.

Pink on pink.

Kind of want to make this right now.

Ugh balloons.

Such a cute door knocker.

Pattern wallpaper.

The zebras are awesome! 

Those Ferragamo flats though...

Gallery walls! 

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Prep Reads

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Week Re-Cap

What a whirlwind week it has been. I am super tired, kind of stressed, and have a LOT going on. However, I am excited to share my week with y'all. On Thursday the president of our university was inaugurated and I was in the procession for the ceremony; my dad also came into town that evening so we stopped by Chuy's. Friday I had some LB stuff to do, my dad and I bounced around and there was football to be watched. Saturday my dad and I hung out, went to the game {hook 'em!} and went to bed. Then Sunday we climbed Enchanted Rock, ate lunch in Fredericksburg and then I had Invitation Day for my spirit org where we went to the Graffiti Park & ate dinner at Whole Foods. Monday was classes, grocery shopping, meetings, and watching the last episode of Arthur & George {super good by the way} with my dad. Tuesday brought saying goodbye to my dad & beginning the process of studying for the test I have today.
I just got tired typing all of that! And it doesn't get less crazy. Today I have meetings, tomorrow I have classes, Friday I am headed to Lake Clean Up with Comm Council, and Saturday I have a game for recruitment. Sunday I think I will just sleep. What have y'all been up to? -xoxo darling, Hayden

Because I walked in the procession I got my name on a chair! 

So the Dean of Undergraduate Studies was supposed to be in this photo but the person who took it cut him out...you can kind of see his sleeve on the left side. 

Waiting to go in.

We walked in to fan-fair and some amazing graphics on the stage.

I worked on lollipop bouquets while my dad and I watched football.

My team lost but just barely, still love them! 

Any y'all. Matthew was at the game. 

Finally was able to try the Hook 'Em donuts @ Donut Taco Palace III.

My dad and I climbed Enchanted Rock on Sunday.

My spirit org had "Invitation Day" on Sunday {where we welcome the new members} & we went to the graffiti park! 

My best friend became my sister & I am seriously happy about it.

Grabbed some coffee @ Cafe Medici

And capped off the weekend with my dad with pie @ Marie Callender's...it was fabulous.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Saturday Inspiration

Reese's fashion is perfection.

I feel like the beach is wayyy over-crowded but it looks gorgeous.

Love her shirt.

Kate is so cute!

My future door.

I really want to do the Ball jar painting DIY.

Ugh Gigi.

I need to color-coordinate my bookshelves.

Cute gingham dress!

Friday, September 18, 2015

Articles I Am Reading

  1. This killed me {as an Irish dancer} // We Tried Riverdance And It Was Really, Really Hard // Buzz Feed
  2. Wow, I need to try this {I get really bad headaches when I get tired} // How to Get Rid of a Headache in Two Minutes Flat // Byrdie 
  3. Such a cool post // The biggest tourist traps in Italy, and where to go instead // Business Insider
  4. I realize it is no longer summer, but this is a helpful little guide // What's The Best Beach Beauty Look For You? // Vogue
  5. Had no idea this was a thing & this article is SO FUNNY // Texas City Flags: The Good, the Blah, and the Fugly // Texas Monthly
  6. I freaking love the Queen // Queen Elizabeth's Corgis: A History // Vanity Fair

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Week Re-Cap

This week has literally been INSANE. We played life-sized Candyland, went to a 90s sing-a-long, partied at a Freaks & Geeks party, attended a music conference, recruited my first players, got my first Comm Council little, ate some amazing donuts, and had some meetings. I am kind of exhausted but you know, that's how life works. Tomorrow night my dad comes into town & I am so excited to see him again! What have y'all been up to? -xoxo darling, Hayden

There are a ton of photos from my spirit org's Candyland.

After Candyland Hannah & I grabbed P. Terry's on 6th before our 90s Boy Band Sing-a-Long

 Went to Wobeon Fest for my journalism class.

Attended a Freaks & Geeks party!

Love my bigs {I apologize for the horrifying quality}. 

First athletic recruitment game of the season! 

Hannah & I got our little on Sunday! How adorbs is she?! 

Finally tried Donut Taco Palace III.

Hannah & I's gift for our little...we went with a cupcake, 
balloons, a headband, and a "baby girl" rattle 
{because we like to be funny}.

This semester for Comm Council I will be on the Special Events Committee!

I mean how cute is this committee?!

My spirit org is super excited to participate in the dance marathon on campus! 

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Dixieland Delights: Little Rock

As you know, part of my 101 in 1001 was getting a new state. I accomplished that last summer but I have an ultimate goal of visiting all 50 states. Now I only have 12 left thanks to a trip through Arkansas! We drove from Mississippi into Little Rock. We took a tour of the Capitol, saw the Old State House, and visited Central High School. We also saw The Clinton Library {post later}. Arkansas was beautiful and Little Rock is an up-and-coming city. Check out my photos below & let me know if I missed anything-xoxo darling, Hayden.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Saturday Inspiration

Talk about an awesome balloon! 

Confetti Twinkies?! SIGN ME UP! 

I love the textured drawers. 

Is it bad that I don't really care about the flowers & instead want the sink?

Love me some Lilly elephants.

This looks very easy and very delicious and very bad for my health.

Coffee table set-ups are my new obsession.

Stripe love.

A perfect inspiration board.

I need some illustrations for my apartment.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Dixieland Delights: Oxford

Oxford is that quintessential southern town. Everyone knows everyone, they go lunch on the square, cheer for their Rebels and overall enjoy life. I did not see the outskirts of Oxford but I did see their main square, ate at City Grocery, and did a little shopping. Have y'all been? -xoxo darling, Hayden

Square Books is one of the greatest independent bookstores in the U.S. 
{and I live where BookPeople is, and I've been to Powell's}. I purchased
 my copy of Harper Lee's "Go Set a Watchman." 

So we all know I love Roadside Attractions, and when I saw the 
"World's Largest Cedar Bucket" was near we had to stop. 

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Week Re-Cap

This week was pretty good, but now I am sick. We ate a lot of food, volunteered, went to Barton Springs, and that's really all I have. I am seriously not feeling well, but hopefully I am feeling better for this weekend's football game! It will be my first game as an athletic recruiter! I am so excited! Plus tomorrow my spirit org is playing life-sized Candyland & we're going to a 90s Boy Band Sing-A-Long! What are y'all up to? -xoxo darling, Hayden 

My "Cane's Dinner Date" was Hannah {of course}. 

 Y'all, college football started back up again.

 The LBs cannot stop. It is such a problem.

Love these girls! 

Had an amazing Friday with this girl {Bollywood movies + Indian food}!

Cream Whiskers has my heart.

These girls came over on Friday.

They are so presh!

My spirit org volunteered at Pease Park on Saturday.

 Babs & I headed back to Barton Springs for our annual Labor Day adventure.

I realize that Travel + Leisure is OLD. 

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Dixieland Delights: Ole Miss

When we decided to embark upon our journey through the deep south, I knew we had to make a stop in Oxford to see Ole Miss. Having heard so much about "The Grove" and so many other things about this historic school. So we went, and it was pretty, Oxford is your quintessential southern town {everybody knows everybody}. Check out some shots below-xoxo darling, Hayden.

Ventress Hall is beautiful & has a stained glass window you should check out. 

If you see one building on the campus, it must be The Lyceum for its history. 

Walked through the historic Grove & snapped this one.

If you park at the University of Mississippi Museum you can take a walk through the woods to Rowan Oak where the author often sought inspiration. 

I loved The Sound and the Fury when I read it in high school so I had to visit Rowan Oak! 

What would a trip be without visiting Vaught-Hemingway Stadium

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Saturday Inspiration

So 60s, I love it!

I just need to move to New England...

T-Swift is excellent.


Love that skirt!

What a Lilly Pulitzer bathroom should look like.

Let's go to the beach!

Oh Audrey...


Thursday, September 3, 2015

District Magazine September Issue

Cannot believe District is one year old! Make sure to check out the latest issue featuring cover girl Kelly Wynne-xoxo darling, Hayden.

Dixieland Delights: Elvis' Birthplace

When we got to Tupelo we had missed the time to go into the Elvis Presley Birthplace but the grounds were still open. It was very well preserved and the museum looked AWESOME, so I want to go back sometime soon! Check out the photos below & make sure to plan a stop in at some point-xoxo darling, Hayden.

 That quintessential shot he always wants me to do {see here, here, & here}.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Week Re-Cap

It has been a pretty good week, started college again, have been tabling every single day for Ladybirds and I have had meetings almost every night. But the weekend will be here before we know it & with that comes a Bollywood movie night with Devi, a park clean-up with my spirit group, football starts back up again, and it's Labor Day Weekend! What are y'all up to? -xoxo darling, Hayden

We had our first LB meeting of the semester!

 Hannah & I tried Texas French Bread FINALLY. It.was.so.good.

Janelle & I went to a pep rally on Wednesday.

The view from our table on campus.

Tabling & Hannah stopped by!

Amanda & I went out on Friday night. 

Went to Pedernales Falls State Park with Hannah on Saturday.

Tried Twisted Root for the first time, was highly impressed.  

Was able to try Ballet Austin's Bollywood & Piloxing

 Baked Red Velvet Mini Cupcakes 

Tabling for my Spirit Group

Went to Moojo's again.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Dixieland Delights: Birmingham

I was not expecting to love Birmingham as much as I did, but let me tell you it is fabulous! I could totally see myself living there in a few years {hello Southern Living!}. We didn't stay the night or see a TON of the city but we hit the highlights & found some off the beaten path items, make sure to check them out below-xoxo darling, Hayden.

Yep. A giant peanut in the middle of nowhere...

 is highly debated as some think it is satanic. 

Then being the Pigotts we randomly found Vulcan Park & it's statue that was in the 1904 World's Fair. The park is gorgeous & I would highly suggest a stop in. You can go up in the statue & it provides for some pretty great views of Birmingham. 

The aforementioned statue.

Downtown Birmingham -- the brick buildings are UAB.

Kind of obsessed with that font!

In Vulcan Park they had a fabulous museum about the history of Birmingham, your admission into the statue gets you in here too! 

A gorgeous church in downtown Birmingham.

Family selfie atop Vulcan!