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Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Week Re-Cap

Is it weird that this past week has been a total blur? I mean I can remember parts of it but others are just hazy. It was an okay week, this weekend was the most fun I've had in a few weeks. I am so excited about our trip this weekend & it less than a week until my parents come to Texas! I can't wait to show them some of my favorite places. How has your week been? -xoxo darling, Hayden

 Emma & I got off campus & went to one
 of my favorite restaurants in Austin.

Grocery shopping...Babs & I love it.

 I love this coffee sleeve!

Devi & I decided we needed Pluckers & the Longhorn Network 
was there with Charlie Strong.

 We went to a BYX party on Thursday, and it was Space Jam themed.

Devi & I went as Lola from Space Jam & Babs went as sporty chic!

This picture really says everything...a perfect day for 
rugby {and a bulldog}.

The lovely Amanda & I supporting our Longhorns {we lost rugby, but the
 football team is bowl eligible & our volleyball team won the BIG 12!}

Tried Mighty Fine Burgers for the first time with Emma
 & we were thoroughly impressed.

Emma & I waiting for the bus...a selfie needed to be taken.

The Ladybirds went bowling this Monday...I lost so bad.

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