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Tuesday, November 11, 2014


Eating: Siro's; Being the college student that I am, Oreo's are a tad bit too expensive for me. So I opted for the Mexican cookie brand Siro. They are delicious! The cream is fluffy and comes apart on both sides of the cookie! 
Watching: The Devil Wears Prada; One of my fashion class group members has not seen this movie...and we cannot believe it. SO we decided we would watch it this weekend! I have not seen it in years and I am excited to see all of Anne's outfits again.
Wanting: Design Darling Print; I adore everything Design Darling makes and this print is perfect! 
Reading: Town & Country Magazine; I am seriously considering buying a subscription because I read their website everyday and I enjoy all of their articles. They are fun reads!

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