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Saturday, August 11, 2018

Articles I'm Reading

  1. Discovered this article and now I want to go to all of them // The Mamma Mia! sequel is here and its locations are just as enchanting as its musical numbers // Lonely Planet
  2. THIS IS SO ACCURATE // The Tinder Bio of Every Myers-Briggs Type // Man Repeller
  3. Interesting...I don't necessarily agree // You Best Creative Outlet, According to the Zodiac // Man Repeller
  4. This is less than $20! // Straw Bag // Etsy
  5. Love AP and this is so helpful // Photoshop 101: How I Edit My Images // Atlantic-Pacific
  6. Very interesting watch // How Architects Can Tell Where Famous Movie Settings Are Really Located //Architectural Digest
In Case You Missed It:
Find out what I did this week...
Get your fall wardrobe ready with these essentials...
A little inspo to start your week...


  1. Definitely reading more into the Mama Mia article!


  2. I absolutely loved that video from Architectural Digest, too! It's really gotten me thinking about architecture in a way I never did before.

    Sara @ Sara Laughed
    Latest Blog Post: 3 Easy DIY Bracelets You’ll Actually Want to Wear

  3. I definitely need to read that Photoshop article! How cool :)

    -xo, Azanique | www.lotsofsass.com
