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Wednesday, March 13, 2013


The Los Angeles County Museum of Art is amazing. I fell in love with it the minute I walked up to those iconic vintage street lamps. You must realize that I was in downtown LA, I had to take a 45 minute cab ride to get to this museum, and let me say I was nothing short of amazed.
     I have noticed that my taste in art has been ever evolving since I went to Paris last year, and this museum was perfect for me! Lot's of Picasso mixed with pop culture, mixed with modernist pieces. It was awesome! I also picked up a delicious little treat at a cafe called Coffee and Milk. Here are some pictures I took while visiting:

The amazing Urban Lights

An awesome sculpture that is interactive--kids love it!

Details of a plastic structure 

Delicious cappuccino at C+M

The best oreo ever at Coffee And Milk

Sculpture in the Garden 

My favorite! Calder's! 

Awesome part of the Modern 
gallery-a complicated track of cars.

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