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Friday, March 8, 2013

Pinterest Love

I feel like I have not had a minute to breathe and what scares me even more is that I do not think it is going to get better! I feel like I am looking to April for solice, but I am sure I will have just as much going on! I am starting to feel a little overwhelmed by the fact that I have something every day after school and that I am running or starting so many things! This weekend makes me feel a tad bit better though. Today I am watching Iron Jawed Angels (I'll let you know about it soon!) and attending a baseball game. Tomorrow I will be baking Orange Crunch cupcakes (turn back Wednesday). Other than that I will be making campaign posters, preparing for my first Cupcakes for Charity Club meeting, and catching up on homework/blog posts, I promise my LA stuff is coming! This week I was inspired by pink, spring is here in Florida and I'm loving our constant 60 degrees or below weather! 

From Anthropologie 

Baubles + Bow

Toning down amazing
 heels with plain jeans.

Spring is here! 

Fauchon--I miss you! 

True statement.

Soon it will be time for long nights 
and pink lemonade filled days. 

I love the turquoise counters 
with the pop of the pink hydrangeas. 


Seersucker nails anyone? 

Weekly Irish Dance Insipration

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