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Sunday, February 17, 2013

Weekend Re-Cap: Birthday Edition

It has been such a whirlwind week! My birthday, Valentine's day, and the Edison Ball have combined into a weekend where all I wish to do is sleep and take a load off my feet. This week has been filled with so many experiences, an amazing friends break-up with her boyfriend of 6.5 months, the thrill of high school baseball, seeing the people that truly care about me, and the artificial people one meets along their way. I know, that was deeper than I usually go, but it has been one of the most emotional weeks of my life, thank goodness it was mostly happy! Here are some photos-xo!

Birthday Pin

New Apron--SO CUTE!

Wallet to match my beret from Paris.

My new obsession: classical music.

Cute kitchen mitts that are so true.

This scarf is going to be 
perfect for The Great Gatsby.

Cute glasses from a friend

AHHHH!!! All these pictures were 
taken with this camera! 

The adorable cards people gave me.

Iris--Crabtree & Evelyn

Cupcake Bank

Make-up for the Edison Ball

Hostess for Edisonia

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