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Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Seven Years, Part Two

Most Popular:

Ultimate Austin Restaurant Guide (578) — One of my proudest creations to date, this guide took so much time to write. I'm thrilled it took the number one spot this year because, y'all, I ate at so many Austin restaurants in order to write it. And it's also nice to know that the thing I have the most passion writing about (aka restaurants/food) is what you readers enjoy reading the most. 

Current Inspiration (548) — This post was one where I knew I wanted to challenge my Illustrator/graphic design skills. If you hadn't noticed, I've been trying to up my graphics and not just paste text on a photo in a special font and call it a day. I combined the mediums of photography (the photo is torn out magazine pages on my bedroom wall) with Illustrator graphics and I'm really proud of it. Plus, as the months go on my wall of inspo just keeps filling up, which makes me happy. 

A Too Early Swim Suit Post (474) — I have no idea why y'all loved this so much? Like...I like the graphic but it was just a round-up post of swim suits. However, they are all cute and I'm happy you got use out of it! 

My Current Denver Dining Guide (286) — Another dining guide made the top six! And this one isn't even the "ultimate," it's just where I've been eating as of late. Don't worry though, I've got another one coming for you soon. 

The New Year with Paperless Post (142) — Paperless Post is one of my favorite companies to work with so I'm happy their #sponsored post was one of my most viewed. If you don't use them already, their e-cards are truly the cutest. 

Hvar, Croatia Guide (105) — I'm glad one of my Croatia guides topped the charts. I was so proud of each of 'em and they all took forever for me to write. But I truly love making guides for y'all — aside from outfits it's my favorite thing to do on the blog so I'm glad you enjoy reading them and I hope you use them when you travel. 

My Favorites:

Introducing the Denver Diaries: Lakeside Amusement Park — This is a post that I'm just excited about. I've always loved "off-the-beaten-path" things and I want to use the blog as a resource for people in Denver and those that visit to find things to do. Lakeside was always going to be the first post because I'd been obsessed with it since the week I moved to Colorado and saw it peaking out behind some trees. It didn't disappoint and now I'm excited to do more Denver Diaries with even more interesting topics. 

Red Pendleton — Debz came to visit and I needed outfit photos so I kind of forced her into it...but she did such a wonderful job and these photos became some of my favorites I've ever done on HT. Seriously, I love the pink background with the red coat, I love the lighting, I love the outfit and I even love the way I look in the photos (that's not usually how I feel). There's something about these pictures that are magical to me and remind me why I've been doing the blog for so long. Sometimes things just come together. 

Green Blue Pumpkin — Probably my second favorite outfit shoot of the year (see above for #1). I made Julia drive down to a tiny town south of Colorado Springs to go to this apple orchard with a pumpkin patch to take these photos but I'm so happy I did. I love them and will always want to use them for #fallcontent. 

Summer Drink Week: Frozen Prickly Pear Margarita — Since I graduated from college I've been trying to get the "table" back in Haute Table. When the blog first started it was my intention to blend fashion with food because those were the things I was most passionate about. Some of that has changed over the years but I do love to cook, bake and blend. Denver has given me the opportunity to bake again and to be creative. I've never really written recipes before but the summer drink week series is where I started doing it. I would just combine the ingredients I thought worked until it tasted as good as I wanted it to. And I'm so happy with the turnout. Going into the fall there will be more of stuff like this! 

The FOMO Factory and My Thoughts on Instagram Experiences — First, I adore the photos from Marcus and I's trip to the FOMO Factory, so that alone is why it is one of my favorites for the year. But second, I knew I wanted to go more in depth about Instagram experiences and I'm proud of how this post was received. Even the founders of FOMO read it and agreed with me. Going somewhere and taking photos doesn't make you less of a person, just because you enjoy a photoshoot doesn't make you less of a person. You have one life to live so if you have fun paying to see the way cool rooms are decorated. laughing with your friends and taking goofy photos — go for it! 

Denver Womxn's March — If you've been following HT for a while you'll know I've always been a feminist but you'll have seen me grow into the feminist I am today. I'm much more...militant seems like the wrong word, maybe forceful? about how I feel and I'm proud of that. I love attending the Women's March every year and this was no different. People's signs are so creative and the whole experience is magical. 

Croatia Travel Vlog — This is more of a personal one. I love making travel vlogs and my trip to Croatia with the fam bam was one of our favorite trips ever. And I think that comes across in the vlog itself. We had an absolute blast and even though it ended kind of horribly for me, it all worked out in the end and I got to see parts of the world that so few do and I feel so fortunate to have been able to share that here. 

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