A while back I was looking at some blogs and they all had bar carts...and I was like, oh, I'm a functioning adult I should have one too. But I just didn't feel a cart would go with our apartment — it would make it seem too cluttered and I like the way we have the space now. However, we do have a large bookshelf that acts as a sideboard to our dining room table that would be perfect for a bar tray and that was how the idea was born. I shopped at Home Goods for most of the supplies, the tray is from Tahari Home that I got for a steal but I can't find on the internet. The rest of the items are below.
The roomie and I love the tray, it makes making drinks easier and our apartment seem that much more "grown-up." What do we have on it you ask?
Aperol for spritzes,
Hornitos Tequila for margaritas,
Kirkland Vodka for screwdrivers,
Makers Mark for mint juleps, Fireball for holiday drinks and triple sec for whatever else we make.
What do y'all think? - xoxo darling, Hayden
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