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Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Week Re-Cap: Dec. 20-21

Torchy's Tacos
Since the family was here so long, I've been dividing up photos into various re-caps. You can catch the first one here. You can also catch up on the daily December goings-ons up until Dec. 25th here. Yesterday was actually wonderful. The family slept in, had a nice breakfast, opened gifts and then I took them to the airport. After that I drove home and just vegged out - baked some cookies, ate some pasta and watched a ton of holiday movies. Tomorrow begins my take-down of holiday decorations and preparation for the New Year...which is a blog post coming up soon! What have y'all been up to? - xoxo darling, Hayden

Ration in RiNO

Loved this colorful wall at Our Mutual Friend.

Some of the best beer we had during our trip.

Union Station looking beautiful.

Dinner at Terminal Bar in Union Station.

A hike in Genesee Park.

Look! A bison herd.

Such a beautiful sunset.

Our favorite small brewery in Golden.

A homemade Choco Taco at Steuben's in Arvada.

A little morning hike in Roxborough State Park.

We, finally, went on the Coors brewing tour.

Dinner @ Old Capitol Grill in downtown Golden.

Christmas in Downtown Golden was absolutely magic.

Love Cerebral Brewing's logo.

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