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Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Playlist No. 35

Getting back in the swing of things after six weeks is a little difficult. When I typed this I was sitting at my desk staring at a pile of stuff I needed to put away...but I was avoiding that. On the plus side I was able to do some serious crafting and our dorm is ready for Valentine's. On the negative I have done barely any work on District {I know that is horrible but it is true}. I think I am ready to start my second semester of college, I've looked over all of my syllabi and I know I have a quiz this Friday {yay for sociology!}. Hopefully the playlist below will get me through getting back in the swing of readings and writing assignments. Enough about school work, I have also gotten to see my best friends again and I missed them so much! Babs knocked on my door and I launched myself at her for a hug, it was so weird not having my friends in the same building as me back at home but I cannot wait for more adventures this semester! What about y'all? -xoxo darling, Hayden

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