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Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Two Years

    Two years ago today, I made one of the greatest decisions of my life. I chose to start blogging, but not for anyone but myself. I did it because I adore creating outfits and coming up with locations for photoshoots. Because I love baking and I wanted to share that passion with the rest of the world. And because it makes me incredibly proud to have put so much time and effort into something that everyone, whether they be in Russia, China, or the U.S., can see. 
    A lot has changed in the past two years. I graduated from high school. I was accepted into six out of seven of my colleges. I chose to be a Longhorn. I joined the Her Campus Blogger Network. I moved to Austin, official today. But one thing that has not changed, is my love of creating posts for Haute Table. 
    With that being said, some things will be changing this year. I will go to one scheduled post a day. I will then attempt to post a second one, but due to school I might only be able to produce one. My about page has changed, here. I have added new pages and updated the old ones, the right column. I am also working on launching Haute Table’s Definitive Guides. These will be travel guides to my favorite cities. 
    As I continue to expand HT, I look forward to y’all’s comments, emails, and general support. You are all amazing and thank you so much for being there these past two years. 
Happy Birthday Haute Table!

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