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Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Instant Gratification

This summer I have discovered something about myself. I love having long term goals {i.e. graduate from UT, get my dream job at Vogue Italia} but I really like short term goals too. I am especially happy when I can turn around and see exactly what I did, it isn't something that is in my mind, it is there on paper or wherever the thing happened to take place. 
I love mowing the lawn because I can turn around and see where the grass has been cut and where it still needs to be cut. It makes me happy! And after 30 minutes the whole lawn is cut, and I did that. There is no waiting involved, I went out, fired up the mower and drove it. That goal has been completed and it felt great. 

I also have started playing computer games I used to play when I was younger. Specifically time management games {Sara's Salon}. Why? Because at this point, my life is completely up in the air. I don't know my housing assignment, anyone on UT's campus {except for about 5}, what my dorm room will look like, if I will like my classes/professors, what I will do with my extra time, and so much more. So instead of stressing over that, I play a computer game for about 15 minutes, accomplish everything in the game and then I feel so much better about myself. 
Instant gratification also comes in the form of baking cupcakes. It takes about an hour and when I'm done I have 18 delicious, beautiful cupcakes. I made them, I did something with my life.
It feels wonderful, even when you're not stressing out. So, take it from me, give yourself some instant gratification. Go bake, play a game, or mow your lawn. Your brain {and skin} will thank you for it-xoxo darling, Hayden.

1 comment:

  1. True story! I've been freaking out about school this year too, so I focus on my blog! Like, make a header, a button, etc. It's so nice to be able to finish something, and have that feeling of accomplishment!

    La Vie en Zoe
