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Friday, July 26, 2013

✌American Club Day One ✌

Day one in Kohler has been fantastic. I was able to go on a tour of the American Club itself and a tour of te Kohler factory. I must say both were amazing! My tour guide at the factory worked at Kohler for 44 years! Below are some photos from the day, of course the intense Nikon photos will come later. Enjoy-xoxo HAP! 

     I think this would be perfect for my   
               Greek friends room...
       Lovely tea (complimentary!) at The 
        Green House--definitely doing  

      Also at The Green House, mint chip 
        ice cream, everyone loves this! 

      A chocolate mousse with raspberry   
            filling at dinner last night. 

   Selfie with my momma, she's kind of     
                      amazing 😘. 

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