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Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Home + Reflections

Let me just start by saying thank goodness for Mac's and cars. I am so incredibly happy to be home typing away on my gigantic mac and not some dingy laptop. So thank you. Getting on with the actual story behind these photos, I just got back from a 2,555 mile journey across the southern United States. To some that may seem like h-e-double hockey sticks, but, honesty, it was pretty fun, no seriously F.U.N. Anyway, below are photos from my first day in Louisiana, we stopped in Baton Rouge for the most amazing root-beer floats ever and then headed on to Lafayette for a campus journey. 

Aforementioned root-beer floats at Frostop in Baton Rouge.

The rest of the photos were taken on the 
University of Louisiana's campus:

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