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Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Week Re-Cap

This past week has been a pretty good one! I ate out far too much but got to do it with friends and at all new restaurants so that part was great. I've also been doing yoga...I'm sure I'll make a post about it soon...and I'm now trying my third studio (trying to figure out which one I will commit to). Then I went to the Denver Womxn's March on Saturday and it was amazing. Nothing like getting together with a bunch of feminists and protesting for your rights. The rest of the weekend was very chill, watched some reality tv with the roommate and got some things done on Sunday afternoon. I don't have a ton of plans this week...I do have at least one dinner planned for Friday night but my schedule is pretty free and I'm excited. 
I am currently planning a lil birthday get-together for my friends in mid-February and I have a few events next month I'm excited about. But in the meantime, how has your week been? - xoxo darling, Hayden

Downtown Littleton is still all lit up and I love it. 

Taco Tuesday at Comida

Park Burger was A+

Sushi with a new friend last Thursday.

We really liked Sushi Den!

At the Denver Womxn's March - full post coming Friday.

How cute are these cookies from Tony's Market?!

I never have French Press coffee, but lordy is it good.

Sunday brunch at Beatrice & Woodsley

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