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Tuesday, February 17, 2015

The Food Diaries: The Bubble Room

When I was home for winter break {yes I realize that was an extremely long time ago} I went out to Captiva Island {somewhere you must go if you visit southwest Florida}. The Bubble Room is a classic please to grab a bite at. I am not the biggest fan of their entree food, but the cake takes the cake {I actually found that funny, so that's my sense of humor}.

Let me start by saying this is a restaurant where they have a gift shop, or "emporium," in their parking lot.

The actual restaurant building looks like a house straight out of a tripy Alice in Wonderland book. Rainbow awnings, messed up roofs, random Santa's on the roof, etc.

They like to say their restaurant is in a constant state of Christmas with a touch of 1930s Hollywood Glamour. In my opinion The Bubble Room is not exactly glamorous, but if you have ever seen a movie from the 1930s, it's stars decorate the walls of the restaurant...next to Santa.

The walls, tables, literally every square inch, are covered with memorabilia.

There is even a toy train that circles the restaurant every few minutes.

When you enter the restaurant you will see a case of their cakes that are available for purchase.

My group got an appetizer of Bubble Bread which is pretty good, but very salty so make sure you have a glass of water near to wash it down. 
I had the French Onion soup {average} as my meal because I was saving myself for cake, but I did not get a photo of it. 

But I did get a photo of the cake. My favorite, Orange Crunch. It is even served on a foam tray because you will have to take it home, you cannot finish the slices. It was moist, delicious, and everything you could want in a slice of cake. 

Overall, The Bubble Room is an experience, and if you are on Captiva you might want to try it. But personally I think it is a little over priced for what it is. I would suggest running in, seeing the restaurant, getting a slice of cake to go, and then finding a secluded spot on one of the amazing beaches on the island to eat it. 


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