Part of college is the constant packing {and unpacking} and you don't want to forget something essential to your life. Below I have created the ULTIMATE College Packing list for y'all so that you can remember everything without stressing. Some of the items you might not need depending on your daily routine and I might not have included others but these are the things I took with me.
A coupe of notes:
- T-Shirts: Seriously, do not take a ton of these, you will either get a T O N for free or you'll want to buy cute ones in your school colors.
- T-Shirts: Seriously, do not take a ton of these, you will either get a T O N for free or you'll want to buy cute ones in your school colors.
- Underwear: You might think this is excessive, but laundry is the worst so if you have about a month's worth, you should be golden.
- Clear Bag: A ton of football stadiums are going to the clear-bag policy so check and see if your school is too!
- White Sneakers: This could be for your or not, but white Converse or Adidas Superstars are still really "in" so if you want that look you should bring them. I usually wear white Tretorns or my pale pink Adidas sneakers for a similar look.
- If you are looking for what to pack for a Study Abroad Trip, click here.
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