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Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Week Re-Cap

WHAT A WEEK. It started with big little reveal for my spirit group (I promise it isn't a cult despite the photo directly below). After that, Hannah and I ventured off to Denver, Colorado. If you didn't watch the vlog, check it out here. Also, there are some snapshots from the trip in this post but soon there will be a Denver guide of what we did/our favorites. This week is Lady Bird Johnson Week for my group so I've been a little stressed with different events. But it's more than halfway over now and we are having an after party on Friday that I'm quite excited about. Then Saturday I'm attending a Vine themed party and Sunday we are headed to the Wildflower Center for some fun and photos. How is your week? - xoxo darling, Hayden

The bigs before reveal.

Look at all these cuties! 

My family is officially massive.

Love my little! 

 Some pre-flight reading.

Reunited and it felt so good! 

 Jelly Cafe for breakfast on Friday morning.

 The view from the capitol building.

 Love this girl & those mountains.

 A Degas at the Denver Art Museum.

 We had lunch at Terminal Bar in the historic Union Station.

 The Big Blue Bear.

A very fun trip to Williams & Graham speakeasy. 

 Little Man Ice Cream has the best ice cream I've had in a while. 

 Martini's at The Cruise Room.

 Nothing better than a bathroom selfie with your best friend.

 Breakfast at The Cereal Box reminiscent of our trip to Cereal Killer in London.

 The Rockies are so gosh darn gorgeous. 

 43 inches of snow !! 

 The craziest, hardest to find speakeasy called B&GC in the 
Halcyon Hotel in Cherry Creek.

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