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Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Weekend Re-Cap: Prom Edition: Coming Together

On Saturday around 2pm, my two amazing neighbors came over to my house to get me ready for prom. I cannot thank them enough for their tremendous help in the hair + makeup department. I think of myself as a pretty good stylist, but when it comes to those two subject areas, I am at a complete loss. Here are the photos of the prep job & some photos we took specifically for the blog.

We straightened the top portion of my hair


Then we curled the bottom

And did two French braids

Next came the makeup--we went for a smokey eye

Amber + I

Erika + Amber

Erika + I



Erika--I love this shot!

Urban Portrayal 


My wonderful photographer/makeup artist

My lovely hair stylist

A final shot.

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