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Sunday, December 16, 2012

Weekend Re-Cap

Having left the house a maximum of 3 times this weekend and sitting in front of the computer (except when sleeping), I am exhuasted. It has been straight History, ITGS, and Biology the whole weekend (and that is only 3/7 exams!). Needless to say it has been stressful and this week will be even worse. But here are some things that brightened my week/weekend, through the gloom of exam week. I hope your week is better than mine! 

The one thing keeping me going and constantly happy!

 Trip Advisor Cookies

Mini Turtles- YUM!

A Bennett's Triple Chocolate Donut.

Holiday House Hostess

I had the kitchen at Holiday House- so cute!

Homemade Christmas Cards (here).

He believes in me.

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