Since July I've gone from 6 completed to 12 I think we're doing well! Plus, a ton of my goals have to do with travel so I think we're killing it for being in a global pandemic. Below I'm talking about what I've done in the last two months, what I'm currently working on and what I want to get done before the next update. Have you made a 101 in 1001? How are you doing on it? — xoxo darling, Hayden.
3. Try 50 new restaurants.One thing about the pandemic I've actually kind of (secretly, until now) enjoyed is that almost every restaurant has adapted to doing takeaway. And as a person who doesn't like eating alone and loves the anonymity of picking food up and bringing it home to watch in front of a Real Housewives show...I'm into it. Plus, with less people on the roads I've been more willing to drive downtown just to get food. My recent favorites include: Spanky's Roadhouse, Smith+Canon Ice Cream, Cherry Hills Sushi & Konjo Ethiopian.
6. Try 3 new cocktails.
So, I didn't write them down but as I make cocktails on my TikTok and there are 170+ now...I would say I've completed this bad boy.
11. Try 20 new breweries.
I'm honestly surprised I got this one done so quickly, but a trip to NC with my parents really helped. I've also found some friends in Denver that enjoy the beer scene (finally!) so I have a feeling I'll be visiting even more with them.
22. Bake a new cupcake flavor.
One day I opened my recipe book and just picked one at random — pink champagne. They turned out really well, like you could actually taste the champagne, which I was impressed by!
27. Treat myself to a spa day.
After talking to one of my friends about her spa day I got the confidence to strap a mask on my face and lay down for a massage. And let me tell you, it was heaven. I usually get one for my birthday but because I was away and then the pandemic shut everything down I didn't get one. I know everyone feels differently right now, but if you feel comfortable I suggest going and don't forget to leave a big tip because spa workers are risking it all.
47. Go to a drive-in movie.
Julia and I did this and it was great! And kind of perfect for a pandemic because you stay in your car 6+ feet away from everyone. I even did a write up on the theater we went to here.
Currently Working On
1. Read 100 books.
I love reading. But I go through these phases where the last thing I want to do is pick up a book and I've been in this current phase for quite a long time. I'm halfway through a book and it's just sitting on the floor by my bed looking lonely. I think this phase was brought on by the book not being as exciting or as interesting as I thought it would be. But I also know it could get really good and I'm missing out! I am participating in a book club where we are reading this book in October so I'll start that on Thursday.
18. Watch 3 more foreign films.
I just need to sit down and watch the final movie...any recommendations?
36. Cook 10 new recipes.
I've recently been making things, which I'm proud of! The breakfast grilled cheese has probably been my favorite but I'm going to make a potato dish with burrata that I'm pretty hyped about later on this week.
38. Work on a campaign.
At the moment I'm working on a few different campaigns, mainly those in which a swing state senator seat is up. It's hard not to feel helpless right now with everything going on in our government but by helping out on these I feel like I'm making a difference — even if it's small.
Up Next
31. Throw 3 more parties.
But Hayden, how can you throw a party in a time like this!? Fair, but it's going to be tiny and everyone has been being cautious in my life. And you know what, I love throwing parties and it makes me so sad that I haven't gotten to do so since early February. I'm throwing a lil Halloween shindig that should be fun.
32. Re-read all of the Harry Potter books.
This seems like a great fall activity, right? I need to request them from the library asap.
43. Vote in the 2020 election.
November is coming soon! Have you registered to vote? Have you made your voting plan?
56. Bake bread.
I got my hands on yeast so I think it's going to be time. I'm thinking focaccia because it's one of my all-time favorite breads.
58. Donate to Planned Parenthood.
This should be easy. And if you're a woman or a man that cares at all about women, donate too.
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