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Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Pool Tote

So I know I live like 20 minutes from the beach, but I am not a beach person. Me + Sand = DISASTER. However, I was traveling last week and swam in some pretty fantastic pools. Below is what was in my pool tote, what's in yours? -xoxo darling, Hayden
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Monday, June 29, 2015

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Saturday Inspiration

The perfect city.
Missing Peonies! 
My summer...
Nothing like a good cup of coffee.
Kind of in love with all of this.
Pineapples are my spirit fruit.
Can I do this in my new apartment?!
Love me a good A-line!
More coffee + marble counter tops...
Summer = 
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Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Week Re-Cap

I apologize ahead of time for all of the food this week...it seems as if it is "Hayden's Week Through Food," and that was not intended. However, that was some of the most interesting stuff to take photos of, so ya know. We had a beach day on Father's Day and I grabbed dinner with Caline last night. How has your week been? -xoxo darling, Hayden
Made some quiche this week.
Grabbed lunch with the always awesome Ashlyn & 
could not resist this cute flip-flop cookie @ Panera.
Trying a new Italian restaurant this week with the fam. It was fab! 
My first Coolata since January...and if you don't know me, then you won't understand the importance of this photo. Also, the girl working @ Dunkin and I were joking about what shape was on that donut, she thought fish, I thought bow. What's your take? 

Finally was able to try Reuben's Smokehouse. It is ranked No. 4th in the nation for BBQ.
LOOK IT ISN'T A FOOD PHOTO! A beach day @ Boca Grande!
Catching up on some reading...
Reppin' my girls.
Grabbed some lunch on the island @ Miller's Dockside.
Celebrated Father's Day with a Snickers Blizzard Cake.
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