looking for something?

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Saturday, November 29, 2014


Craving: Dunkin Donuts Coolatta Mocha; The only Dunkin in Austin is an hour and fifteen minutes away from campus. I am craving it because they gave us coupons at our last volleyball game...but it is so far that I will have to make a day out of it.
Watching: Aquamarine; We have been waiting to watch this for forever, hopefully it happens soon! 
Wanting: Vineyard Vines Shirt; I have wanted one of these shirts for a while and now that it is getting slightly colder I love this one!
Eating: Blue Bell Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream; Movie nights are not complete without this.
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Saturday Inspiration

Love her dress...
I think the aluminum rhino really pulls the room together.
These skirts kill me...I want one so badly!
Oh my...
Those shoes...are killer.
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Friday, November 28, 2014

Articles I Am Reading

  1. YES YES YES...DIY Pineapple Costume for Halloween...Studio DIY
  2. All of my favorite bloggers are apple picking in the cutest clothes right now, and I'm like, "I live in Texas!"...20 Essential Items to Make Apple Picking Chic...Marie Claire
  3. I would like to take these with all of my BFFs...10 Vacations To Take With Your BFF...Harper's Bazaar
  4. I want to make this so bad! I am a sucker for a cute cape...Plaid Cape...P.S. I Made This
  5. Love, love, love James Bond, and his girls...The 25 Best Bond Girls of All Time...Harper's Bazaar
  6. Number 1 on the list? Austin, Texas of course...Best Coach Boots...Harper's Bazaar
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Thursday, November 27, 2014

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Gift Guide: Me

{From top left to bottom right: 1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6 // 7 // 8 // 9 // 10}
So this is more of just a list of things I am currently obsessed with at the moment...but here we go:
1. The Kate Spade book is killing me, all of my favorite bloggers keep posting Instagram shots of themselves drinking a cafe au lait and reading the book at some cute cafe. And I'm just like, please come into my life.
2. I actually do not have my passport in Texas because I am always worried I will lose super important stuff, but I think a passport booklet would help me not misplace it. Plus I love a good stripe. 
3. My friend Emma & I went into Anthro the other day & I wanted to buy every issue of Darling, the photos are beautiful and the quality of the paper is second to none. It is an inspiration. 
4. I just really love gingham. 
5. My Madewell jeans are: {1} at home {2} falling apart. And I really like the color of these. 
6. Barbour jacket, I really don't think I can reiterate this enough, I want one of those jackets. 
7. Celine sunglasses, it is not so much about the brand, although I do love Celine. I just really like the shape and the tortoise shell. 
8. Scotch nail polish is so pretty & I lost my signature Essie a while back. This color looks exactly like the Essie did and Scotch is eco-friendly.
9. I have been wanting a pair of "smoking slippers" for a while now. I realize the trend is probably dying, but preppies have always worn them.
10. I realized a little while ago that my style is evolving. I like things to be a lot simpler than I used to and these Madewell bags totally fit the image. Plus you can get them monogramed and anything monogramed is always better.
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Week Re-Cap

The line for free Amy's was slightly crazy, but it honestly didn't take that long.
I had Mexican Vanilla with chocolate chips.
Babs & I saw a Chinese restaurant on our way to 
Amy's so we stopped in, it was delicious! 
My FIG had our last meeting & 
my friend Lauryn and I brought bagels.
 Donut selfie!
Love these girls!
 It was so foggy that the tower was encased!
 Love me some sponakopita!
Heavenly Hash @ Gordough's!
 Emma & I went to the Phi Psi Christmas Party
 They had Mickey Avalon perform...
I didn't know who he was either.
After Emma & I went to Kerbey of course!
Our waiter made smiley face in our hot chocolate.
Beignet pancakes made the night.

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Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Hex Rally

The Hex Rally is a tradition here at UT. The University wanted to beat our rival a&m so they we asked a fortune teller to help us. She said we should sing the Eyes of Texas three times and light our red candles and we would beat a&m. Turns out the Hex worked, we beat a&m and ever since then the Hex Rally has taken place a few days before the Thanksgiving game. We no longer play a&m but we hexed TCU yesterday. Does your school have any cool traditions? -xoxo darling, Hayden
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Giving Thanks

It is the week of Thanksgiving and I have so much to be thankful for. The year of 2014 has been so amazing to me thus far and I cannot believe all that I have achieved and still plan to achieve before we start 2015. 

1 // My Parents
These two people are the most wonderful, loving, crazy, funny parents on Earth. They have been there for me in ways I could have never guessed. I might not talk to them every day now, but I get their snippets from our local newspaper in the mail, and I think of them all the time. They always told me I could do whatever I wanted and that "I sparkle" and because of them I am pursuing my degree at UT, which had been a dream of mine. They constantly support me and tell me everything will be okay when I am freaking out about an upcoming test. Plus they always make me laugh. I am so thrilled to see them this afternoon and spend the rest of the week eating our way through Austin.
2 // The University of Texas at Austin
UT has been so much better than I thought when I chose it back in March. They are supportive of everything students want to do, they have amazing food, they accept all people, they are spirited to the extreme, and they make me feel like I am part of something so much bigger than myself. With UT's help I started a spirit group, joined various journalism outlets, and have the opportunity to go to NYFW in a few years. They make me proud to be able to say "Hook 'Em," and I know that what starts here changes the world, so get your horns up.
3 // Devi
This girl...where do I even start? I just glanced at her bed because she always makes me smile and laugh. We have had so many adventures together, gotten through some pretty awful times together, and bonded over our "no judging" room zone. When I come back from a bad day at class or did not do well on a test she is there to say encouraging things and ask if I need Blue Bell. Devi and I have seen each other at our worst {it is scary in the early morning} and at our best {when we look fine before a party} and we still love each other. We only have a few days left before we go to break and I can honestly say I will miss my roommate because we are soul-roommates.
4 // Barbara 
Oh Babs...I know you hate that name, but whatever. I met Barbara at random. I had just dropped out of rush and was in need of some serious laughs, so Devi and I went to "game night" at Jester, and I am so glad we did! We decided on Twister, and this girl {Babs} walked over and asked us if she could play. Of course we said yes. After we played Twister we bonded over Heads Up and made plans to find our classes the next day. From then on we were basically inseparable. She kind of lives in Devi & I's room and when talking about them I call them my roommates. Barbara makes me laugh and I love when we stay up till midnight taking Buzz Feed quizzes and Ferris Buller. Love you Babs!
5 // College Football
You know your from the South when...college football makes your thankful list. But really, college football has helped me get through some lonely days. I can read Every Day Should Be Saturday when I need to laugh out my homesickness. I can text my dad about how #SECbias ESPN is when I miss him. And I can pull for my Longhorns every Saturday which is kind of awesome to be able to say "my." College football is so incredibly consistent, in that every Saturday in the Fall I can wake up and watch 20 games, and it is incredibly inconsistent...because it's college football, and that is enough said.
P.S. Happy Early Thanksgiving Y'all! My parents come in today, so I have things posting the rest of the week, but I will be super busy! See you next week!
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Monday, November 24, 2014

Gift Guide: Mom

{From top left to right bottom: 1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6 // 7 // 8 // 9 // 10}
My mother might be the most difficult woman to shop for on the planet. Alas, I came up with 10 things I think she would probably like, and I am sure your mom would too! The peas in a pod is very specific to my mom and I because we were born at the exact same time...creepy I realize. My mom travels a lot and loves to take photos so that lens that attaches to your iPhone is awesome! She is also a really big fan of Frank Lloyd Wright and Sperry Top Siders. Nail polish ad hand cream are always great stocking stuffers and a simple black tote {I am obsessed with this brand} can make the holidays special. What are you getting your mom? -xoxo darling, Hayden
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